

Definitions of ‘mean’

mean (verb)


intend, purpose, design, contemplate, signify, purport, denote, betoken, imply, typify, indicate

mean (adjective)


contemptible, despicable, low-minded, base, abject, groveling, dishonorable, shabby, scurvy, servile, menial, undignified, unbecoming, disingenuous, obscure, ignoble, plebeian, inglorious, undistinguished, vulgar, penurious, illiberal, sordid, miserly, stingy, mercenary parsimonious, ungenerous, midway, average, moderate, middle, medium, mediocre, intermediate, mediate, intervening, insignificant, paltry, inconsequential, piddling, frivolous, inferior, poor

mean (noun)


middle, medium

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