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Definitions of ‘accidentally’ accidentally (adverb) Synonyms: unintentionally, casually, fortuitously Antonyms: intentionally, advisedly, deliberately

Dictionary April 15, 2023 April 15, 2023 adverb, casually, fortuitously, unintentionally

Definitions of ‘advisedly’ advisedly (adverb) Synonyms: purposely, intentionally, designedly, deliberately, knowingly

Dictionary April 19, 2023 April 19, 2023 adverb, deliberately, designedly, intentionally, knowingly, purposely

Definitions of ‘afresh’ afresh (adverb) Synonyms: again, anew, de novo, newly

Dictionary April 20, 2023 April 20, 2023 adverb, again, anew, de novo, newly

Definitions of ‘aground’ aground (adverb) Synonyms: stranded

Dictionary April 22, 2023 April 22, 2023 adverb, stranded

Definitions of ‘aloud’ aloud (adverb) Synonyms: audibly Antonyms: inaudibly, sotto voce

Dictionary April 24, 2023 April 24, 2023 adverb, audibly

Definitions of ‘also’ also (adverb) Synonyms: besides, too, further, in addition, furthermore, moreover

Dictionary April 24, 2023 April 24, 2023 adverb, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, too

Definitions of ‘altogether’ altogether (adverb) Synonyms: wholly, completely, unconditionally, thoroughly, utterly, entirely, totally, in toto, in the aggregate, en masse, […]

Dictionary April 24, 2023 April 24, 2023 adverb, completely, en masse, ensemble, entirely, in the aggregate, in toto, thoroughly, totally, unconditionally, utterly, wholly

Definitions of ‘always’ always (adverb) Synonyms: perpetually, continually, forever, everlastingly, evermore, unceasingly, for aye, invariably, constantly, uniformly Antonyms: intermittently, occasionally, […]

Dictionary April 24, 2023 April 24, 2023 adverb, constantly, continually, everlastingly, evermore, for aye, forever, invariably, perpetually, unceasingly, uniformly

Definitions of ‘amiss’ amiss (adverb) Synonyms: improperly, incorrectly, wrongly

Dictionary April 25, 2023 April 25, 2023 adverb, improperly, incorrectly, wrongly

Definitions of ‘askance’ askance (adverb) Synonyms: sidewise, obliquely, askant, askew, asquint

Dictionary May 2, 2023 May 2, 2023 adverb, askant, askew, asquint, obliquely, sidewise

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adverb, askant, askew, asquint, obliquely, sidewise
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