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Definitions of ‘teachable’ teachable (adjective) Synonyms: [[docile]], tractable, [[apt]], [[bright]]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 adjective, apt, bright, docile, tractable

Definitions of ‘smart’ smart (verb) Synonyms: [[sting]], [[prick]], suffer smart (adjective) Synonyms: acute, [[bright]], [[clever]], [[apt]], [[brilliant]], [[gifted]], [[talented]], precocious, […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 acute, adjective, agile, apt, bright, brilliant, brisk, clever, elegant, energetic, fashionable, forcible, fresh, gifted, intense, keen, lively, nimble, poignant, precocious, pretentious, prick, pungent, smacking, sting, suffer, talented, trim, verb, vigorous

Definitions of ‘sharp’ sharp (adjective) Synonyms: [[pointed]], trenchant, incisive, [[keen]], [[poignant]], [[piercing]], acute, [[penetrating]], [[severe]], excruciating, [[intense]], [[subtile]], [[violent]], [[biting]], […]

Dictionary April 8, 2024 April 8, 2024 abrupt, acrid, acrimonious, acuminous, acute, adjective, apt, astute, biting, bright, clever, close, cutting, discerning, eager, exacting, excruciating, fierce, fiery, high-seasoned, incisive, ingenious, intense, keen, long-headed, peaked, penetrating, perspicacious, piercing, piquant peppery, poignant, pointed, precipitous, pungent, resourceful, ridged, sagacious, sarcastic, severe, shrewd, shrill, smart, steep, subtile, trenchant, unquenchable, violent

Definitions of ‘intelligent’ intelligent (adjective) Synonyms: clever, discerning, astute, bright, knowing, apt, sensible

Dictionary November 9, 2023 November 9, 2023 adjective, apt, astute, bright, clever, discerning, knowing, sensible

Definitions of ‘fit’ fit (noun) Synonyms: spasm, paroxysm, convulsion, access, outburst, attack, epilepsy, catalepsy, humor, whim, caprice, fancy fit (adjective) […]

Dictionary September 9, 2023 September 9, 2023 access, accommodate, adapt, adequate, adjective, adjust, apposite, appropriate, apt, attack, becoming, befitting, caprice, catalepsy, competent, congruent, congruous, convenient, convulsion, eligible, epilepsy, equip, expedient, fancy, humor, meet, noun, outburst, paroxysm, prepare, proper, qualified, qualify, shape, spasm, suitable, trim, verb, whim

Definitions of ‘deft’ deft (adjective) Synonyms: dexterous, adroit, expert, skillful, apt, clever

Dictionary July 20, 2023 July 20, 2023 adjective, adroit, apt, clever, dexterous, expert, skillful

Definitions of ‘bright’ bright (adjective) Synonyms: luminous, gleaming, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, glistening, beaming, shimmering, phosphorescent, luciferous, luminiferous, argent, orient, dazzling, […]

Dictionary May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 acute, adjective, apt, argent, auspicious, beaming, brilliant, clever, crystalline, dazzling, discerning, effulgent, flashing, fulgent, garish, glaring, gleaming, glistening, glittering, glorious, glossy, glowing, illustrious, intelligent, knowing, lucent, luciferous, luminiferous, luminous, lustrous, naif, orient, phosphorescent, precocious, propitious, radiant, refulgent, resplendent, scintillating, shimmering, smart, sparkling, vivid

Definitions of ‘apprehensive’ apprehensive (adjective) Synonyms: discerning, apt, fearful, anxious, worried

Dictionary April 29, 2023 April 29, 2023 adjective, anxious, apt, discerning, fearful, worried

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adjective, anxious, apt, discerning, fearful, worried
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