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Definitions of ‘bold’ bold (adjective) Synonyms: daring, intrepid, brave, forward, immodest, rude, hoidenish, brazen, saucy, insolent, unabashed, audacious, pert, shameless, […]

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 abrupt, acclivitous, adjective, audacious, brave, brazen, conspicuous, daring, forward, hoidenish, immodest, insolent, intrepid, jagged, malapert, pert, precipitous, prominent, rude, salient, saucy, shameless, steep, unabashed

Definitions of ‘challenge’ challenge (verb) Synonyms: defy, dare, brave challenge (noun) Synonyms defiance, exception, objection

Dictionary June 10, 2023 June 10, 2023 brave, dare, defiance, defy, exception, noun, objection, verb

Definitions of ‘courageous’ courageous (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, brave, heroic, gallant, hardy, bold, fearless, valiant, valorous, dauntless, chivalrous, plucky, daring, lion-hearted

Dictionary July 5, 2023 July 5, 2023 adjective, bold, brave, chivalrous, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, hardy, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, plucky, valiant, valorous

Definitions of ‘hardy’ hardy (adjective) Synonyms: courageous, intrepid, brave, hearty, hale, robust, lusty

Dictionary October 14, 2023 October 14, 2023 adjective, brave, courageous, hale, hearty, intrepid, lusty, robust

Definitions of ‘heroic’ heroic (adjective) Synonyms: valiant, bold, daring, brave, desperate, drastic, extreme

Dictionary October 18, 2023 October 18, 2023 adjective, bold, brave, daring, desperate, drastic, extreme, valiant
Indian chief

Definitions of ‘Indian chief’ Synonyms: sachem, sannup, sagamore, brave

Dictionary November 2, 2023 November 2, 2023 brave, sachem, sagamore, sannup

Definitions of ‘manful’ manful (adjective) Synonyms: manly, resolute, brave

Dictionary December 10, 2023 December 10, 2023 adjective, brave, manly, resolute

Definitions of ‘manly’ manly (adjective) Synonyms: manlike, resolute, brave, strong, dignified

Dictionary December 11, 2023 December 11, 2023 adjective, brave, dignified, manlike, resolute, strong

Definitions of ‘redoubtable’ redoubtable (adjective) Synonyms: formidable, terrible, [[valiant]], [[courageous]], [[brave]]

Dictionary March 1, 2024 March 1, 2024 adjective, brave, courageous, formidable, terrible, valiant

Definitions of ‘valiant’ valiant (adjective) See [[brave]]

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, brave

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adjective, brave
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