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Definitions of ‘derelict’ derelict (adjective) Synonyms: abandoned, forsaken, lost, adrift, careless, negligent, remiss, delinquent

Dictionary July 22, 2023 July 22, 2023 abandoned, adjective, adrift, careless, delinquent, forsaken, lost, negligent, remiss

Definitions of ‘hare-brained’ hare-brained (adjective) Synonyms: heedless, reckless, rash, giddy, careless

Dictionary October 14, 2023 October 14, 2023 adjective, careless, giddy, heedless, rash, reckless

Definitions of ‘inattentive’ inattentive (adjective) Synonyms: heedless, absent-minded, inadvertent, unmindful, careless

Dictionary October 31, 2023 October 31, 2023 absent-minded, adjective, careless, heedless, inadvertent, unmindful

Definitions of ‘inconsiderate’ inconsiderate (adjective) Synonyms: thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless

Dictionary November 1, 2023 November 1, 2023 adjective, careless, heedless, inattentive, thoughtless

Definitions of ‘negligent’ negligent (adjective) Synonyms: neglectful, heedless, indifferent, slack, remiss, regardless, slothful, derelict, inattentive, careless Antonyms: careful, attentive, heedful

Dictionary January 3, 2024 January 3, 2024 adjective, careless, derelict, heedless, inattentive, indifferent, neglectful, regardless, remiss, slack, slothful

Definitions of ‘regardless’ regardless (adjective) Synonyms: heedless, [[careless]], [[unmindful]], [[inattentive]], [[indifferent]]

Dictionary March 3, 2024 March 3, 2024 adjective, careless, heedless, inattentive, indifferent, unmindful

Definitions of ‘remiss’ remiss (adjective) Synonyms: [[negligent]], [[derelict]], [[careless]], [[slack]], heedless, [[neglectful]]

Dictionary March 5, 2024 March 5, 2024 adjective, careless, derelict, heedless, neglectful, negligent, slack

Definitions of ‘scatter-brained’ scatter-brained (adjective) Synonyms: [[giddy]], [[thoughtless]], [[flighty]], [[careless]]

Dictionary March 27, 2024 March 27, 2024 adjective, careless, flighty, giddy, thoughtless

Definitions of ‘slack’ slack (adjective) Synonyms: [[lax]], [[loose]], relaxed, [[remiss]], [[negligent]], [[careless]], [[shiftless]], [[inactive]], [[slow]]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 adjective, careless, inactive, lax, loose, negligent, relaxed, remiss, shiftless, slow

Definitions of ‘slipshod’ slipshod (adjective) Synonyms: [[slovenly]], [[careless]], [[negligent]]

Dictionary April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 adjective, careless, negligent, slovenly

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adjective, careless, negligent, slovenly
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