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Definitions of ‘wife’ wife (noun) Synonyms: spouse, consort, helpmate, [[partner]] Associated words: uxoricide, uxorious, uxoriousness, coverture, dowry, polygamy, polygamist, monogamy, […]

Dictionary July 20, 2024 July 20, 2024 consort, coverture, dot, dower, dowry, helpmate, monogamy, noun, partner, polygamist, polygamy, spouse, uxorial, uxoricide, uxorious, uxoriousness

Definitions of ‘sort’ sort (noun) Synonyms: [[kind]], [[species]], [[character]], [[description]], [[strain]], [[class]] sort (verb) Synonyms: assort, classify, conjoin, [[choose]], [[select]], […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 accord, agree, associate, assort, character, choose, class, classify, conform, conjoin, consort, cull, description, fraternize, harmonize, kind, noun, select, species, strain, verb

Definitions of ‘queen’ queen (noun) Synonyms: consort

Dictionary February 21, 2024 February 21, 2024 consort, noun

Definitions of ‘mix’ mix (verb) Synonyms: mingle, blend, combine, concoct, incorporate, amalgamate, commingle, impregnate, commix, compound, intermix, intersperse, interlard, associate, […]

Dictionary December 24, 2023 December 24, 2023 amalgamate, associate, blend, combine, commingle, commix, compound, concoct, consort, fraternize, impregnate, incorporate, interlard, intermix, intersperse, mingle, verb

Definitions of ‘mingle’ mingle (verb) Synonyms: blend, mix, intermix, amalgamate, intermingle, incorporate, consort, associate, fraternize

Dictionary December 21, 2023 December 21, 2023 amalgamate, associate, blend, consort, fraternize, incorporate, intermingle, intermix, mix, verb

Definitions of ‘companion’ companion (noun) Synonyms: associate, comrade, intimate, consort, partner, fellow, mate, chum, compeer, confederate, accomplice, ally, colleague, crony, […]

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 accessory, accomplice, ally, associate, chum, colleague, compeer, comrade, concomitant, confederate, confrère, consort, crony, fellow, intimate, mate, noun, partner

Definitions of ‘associate’ associate (verb) Synonyms: join, connect, affiliate, fraternize, consort, hobnob associate (noun) Synonyms: companion, intimate, mate, fellow, consort, […]

Dictionary May 3, 2023 May 3, 2023 affiliate, chum, collaborator, colleague, companion, compeer, comrade, confrère, connect, consort, coöperator, crony, fellow, fraternize, hobnob, intimate, join, mate, noun, partner, verb, yoke-fellow

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affiliate, chum, collaborator, colleague, companion, compeer, comrade, confrère, connect, consort, coöperator, crony, fellow, fraternize, hobnob, intimate, join, mate, noun, partner, verb, yoke-fellow
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