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Definitions of ‘attentive’ attentive (adjective) Synonyms: heedful, observant, intent, mindful, wary, alert, circumspect, watchful, courteous, deferential, considerate Antonyms: See inattentive

Dictionary May 5, 2023 May 5, 2023 adjective, alert, circumspect, considerate, courteous, deferential, heedful, intent, mindful, observant, wary, watchful

Definitions of ‘courteous’ courteous (adjective) Synonyms: deferential, polite, debonair, gracious, urbane, civil, respectful

Dictionary July 5, 2023 July 5, 2023 adjective, civil, debonair, deferential, gracious, polite, respectful, urbane

Definitions of ‘dutiful’ dutiful (adjective) Synonyms: obedient, duteous, submissive, deferential, docile

Dictionary August 12, 2023 August 12, 2023 adjective, deferential, docile, duteous, obedient, submissive

Definitions of ‘gallant’ gallant (adjective) Synonyms: polite, deferential, courtly, chivalrous gallant (noun) Synonyms: spark, beau, cicisbeo, philander, lover, suitor, seducer, […]

Dictionary September 26, 2023 September 26, 2023 adjective, beau, chivalrous, cicisbeo, courtly, deferential, lover, noun, paramour, philander, polite, seducer, spark, suitor

Definitions of ‘gentle’ gentle (adjective) Synonyms: well-born, genteel, high-born, docile, tractable, tame, subdued, mild, quiet, peaceable, meek, unobtrusive, bland, soothing, […]

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 adjective, bland, clement, courteous, cultivated, deferential, docile, genteel, high-born, humane, meek, mild, pacific, peaceable, quiet, soothing, subdued, tame, tender, tractable, unobtrusive, well-born

Definitions of ‘gentlemanly’ gentlemanly (adjective) Synonyms: courteous, deferential, polite, urbane, gallant, well-bred

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 adjective, courteous, deferential, gallant, polite, urbane, well-bred

Definitions of ‘obedient’ obedient (adjective) Synonyms: submissive, tractable, deferential, subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable Antonyms: unsubmissive, intractable, disobedient

Dictionary January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 adjective, amenable, compliant, deferential, docile, dutiful, submissive, subservient, tractable

Definitions of ‘obliging’ obliging (adjective) Synonyms: complaisant, gracious, accommodating, affable, debonair, deferential, yielding

Dictionary January 10, 2024 January 10, 2024 accommodating, adjective, affable, complaisant, debonair, deferential, gracious, yielding

Definitions of ‘obsequious’ obsequious (adjective) Synonyms: sycophantic, cringing, fawning, deferential, servile

Dictionary January 10, 2024 January 10, 2024 adjective, cringing, deferential, fawning, servile, sycophantic

Definitions of ‘respectful’ respectful (adjective) Synonyms: deferential, [[courteous]], [[polite]], obeisant, [[reverent]] Antonyms: [[disrespectful]], [[discourteous]], [[defiant]], irreverent

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 adjective, courteous, deferential, obeisant, polite, reverent

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adjective, courteous, deferential, obeisant, polite, reverent
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