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Definitions of ‘exhaust’ exhaust (verb) Synonyms: drain, deplete, debilitate, prostrate, enervate

Dictionary August 25, 2023 August 25, 2023 debilitate, deplete, drain, enervate, prostrate, verb

Definitions of ‘gutter’ gutter (noun) Synonyms: eaves trough, cullis, conduit, channel, drain, rindle, groove

Dictionary October 11, 2023 October 11, 2023 channel, conduit, cullis, drain, eaves trough, groove, noun, rindle

Definitions of ‘sap’ sap (verb) Synonyms: mine, undermine, subvert, [[exhaust]], [[drain]], [[unsettle]]

Dictionary March 25, 2024 March 25, 2024 drain, exhaust, mine, subvert, undermine, unsettle, verb

Definitions of ‘water-course’ water-course (noun) Synonyms: [[channel]], [[ditch]], [[canal]], [[moat]], [[sewer]], [[drain]], aqueduct, [[gutter]], [[trench]], wady

Dictionary July 15, 2024 July 15, 2024 aqueduct, canal, channel, ditch, drain, gutter, moat, noun, sewer, trench, wady

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aqueduct, canal, channel, ditch, drain, gutter, moat, noun, sewer, trench, wady
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