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Definitions of ‘vomit’ vomit (verb) Synonyms: [[puke]], spew, emit, [[belch]], disgorge, [[eject]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 belch, disgorge, eject, emit, puke, spew, verb

Definitions of ‘vent’ vent (noun) Synonyms: [[airhole]], aperture, [[venthole]], touchhole, spiracle blowhole, [[outlet]], emission, escape vent (verb) Synonyms: emit, [[utter]], […]

Dictionary July 5, 2024 July 5, 2024 airhole, aperture, discharge, emission, emit, escape, noun, outlet, say, spiracle blowhole, touchhole, utter, venthole, verb
Throw out

Definitions of ‘throw out’ Synonyms: [[expel]], evict, [[oust]], [[reject]], emit, [[discharge]], excrete, [[eject]], egest, [[void]], ejaculate, eliminate Antonyms: [[retain]]

Dictionary May 31, 2024 May 31, 2024 discharge, egest, ejaculate, eject, eliminate, emit, evict, excrete, expel, oust, reject, void

Definitions of ‘spread’ spread (verb) Synonyms: [[extend]], [[stretch]], [[expand]], [[dilate]], unfurl, [[unroll]], [[open]], disseminate, [[bruit]], [[circulate]], propagate, promulgate, [[diffuse]], emit, […]

Dictionary May 3, 2024 May 3, 2024 bruit, circulate, cover, diffuse, dilate, disseminate, emit, expand, expatiate, extend, mantle, open, overspread, promulgate, propagate, stretch, suffuse, unfurl, unroll, verb

Definitions of ‘shoot’ shoot (noun) Synonyms: chute, shute, flume, [[channel]] shoot (noun) Synonyms: tiller, [[sucker]], [[sprout]], [[offshoot]], chit, [[twig]], [[scion]] […]

Dictionary April 11, 2024 April 11, 2024 channel, chit, chute, dart, discharge, ejaculate, eject, emit, extend, fire, flume, fusillade, germinate, hurl, jut, noun, offshoot, penetrate, project, protrude, scion, shute, sprout, sucker, tiller, twig, verb

Definitions of ‘shed’ shed (verb) Synonyms: [[diffuse]], emit, [[radiate]], [[spread]], [[cast]], exuviate, [[moult]], [[mew]], discard, doff shed (noun) Synonyms: outhouse, […]

Dictionary April 9, 2024 April 9, 2024 cast, diffuse, Discard, doff, emit, exuviate, lean-to, mew, moult, noun, outhouse, radiate, shack, shanty, spread, verb
Give off

Definitions of ‘give off’ Synonyms: emit, exhale

Dictionary September 30, 2023 September 30, 2023 emit, exhale

Definitions of ‘discharge’ discharge (verb) Synonyms: absolve, acquit, exculpate, release, exonerate, free, dismiss, cashier, remove, excrete, exude, void, eject, emit, […]

Dictionary July 29, 2023 July 29, 2023 abrogate, absolve, acquit, acquittance, annul, blast, burst, cancel, cashier, dismiss, dismissal, eject, ejection, emission, emit, excrete, excretion voiding, exculpate, exonerate, exoneration, expel, exudation, exude, fire, firing, free, fulfill, fulfillment, fusillade, invalidate, liquidate, liquidation, noun, observance, pay, payment evacuation, perform, performance, quietus, quittance, release, remove, rescind, salvo, shoot, verb, void, volley

Definitions of ‘breathe’ breathe (verb) Synonyms: respire, inhale and exhale, infuse, wheeze, suspire, sigh, gasp, pant, aspirate, exhale, emit

Dictionary May 28, 2023 May 28, 2023 aspirate, emit, exhale, gasp, infuse, inhale and exhale, pant, respire, sigh, suspire, verb, wheeze

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aspirate, emit, exhale, gasp, infuse, inhale and exhale, pant, respire, sigh, suspire, verb, wheeze
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