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Definitions of ‘subterfuge’ subterfuge (noun) Synonyms: [[artifice]], [[evasion]], [[shift]], [[sophistry]], [[excuse]]

Dictionary May 15, 2024 May 15, 2024 artifice, evasion, excuse, noun, shift, sophistry

Definitions of ‘plea’ plea (noun) Synonyms: defense, excuse, apology, vindication, intercession, prayer, entreaty

Dictionary February 7, 2024 February 7, 2024 apology, defense, entreaty, excuse, intercession, noun, prayer, vindication

Definitions of ‘palliation’ palliation (noun) Synonyms: extenuation, glossing over, excuse, apology, moderation, mitigation, alleviation

Dictionary January 21, 2024 January 21, 2024 alleviation, apology, excuse, extenuation, glossing over, mitigation, moderation, noun

Definitions of ‘palliate’ palliate (verb) Synonyms: excuse, apologize for, gloss over, extenuate, moderate, mitigate, temper

Dictionary January 21, 2024 January 21, 2024 apologize for, excuse, extenuate, gloss over, mitigate, moderate, temper, verb

Definitions of ‘loophole’ loophole (noun) Synonyms: excuse, plea, pretext

Dictionary December 3, 2023 December 3, 2023 excuse, noun, plea, pretext

Definitions of ‘justify’ justify (verb) Synonyms: vindicate, warrant, excuse, exonorate, exculpate, absolve, defend

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 absolve, defend, exculpate, excuse, exonorate, verb, vindicate, warrant

Definitions of ‘forgive’ forgive (verb) Synonyms: pardon, excuse, absolve, condone, exculpate, connive, acquit

Dictionary September 17, 2023 September 17, 2023 absolve, acquit, condone, connive, exculpate, excuse, pardon, verb

Definitions of ‘evasion’ evasion (noun) Synonyms: evading, eluding, escape, baffling, foiling, prevarication, equivocation, sophistry, tergiversation, subterfuge, dodge, excuse

Dictionary August 22, 2023 August 22, 2023 baffling, dodge, eluding, equivocation, escape, evading, excuse, foiling, noun, prevarication, sophistry, subterfuge, tergiversation

Definitions of ‘defense’ defense (noun) Synonyms: protection, defending, maintenance, guard, protection, palisade, rampart, bulwark, fortress, blockhouse, fortification, earthwork, breastwork, shield, […]

Dictionary July 19, 2023 July 19, 2023 advocacy, armor, blockhouse, breastwork, buckler, bulwark, defending, earthwork, excuse, fortification, fortress, garrison, guard, machicolation, maintenance, muniment, noun, palisade, palladium, plea, protection, rampart, ravelin, redoubt, reliance, remblai, shield, stockade, vindication

Definitions of ‘apology’ apology (noun) Synonyms: justification, extenuation, defense, vindication, amende honorable, makeshift, substitute, excuse

Dictionary April 28, 2023 April 28, 2023 amende honorable, defense, excuse, extenuation, justification, makeshift, noun, substitute, vindication

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amende honorable, defense, excuse, extenuation, justification, makeshift, noun, substitute, vindication
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