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Definitions of ‘turn’ turn (verb) Synonyms: [[revolve]], [[spin]], gyrate, [[rotate]], wheel, veer, [[shift]], swivel, deflect, inflect, [[reverse]], revert, divert, avert, […]

Dictionary June 8, 2024 June 8, 2024 accommodation, apply, avert, bend, crook, curve, deflect, deflection, detour, divert, favor, gyrate, inflect, invert, kindness, meander, noun, resort, reverse, revert, revolve, rotate, service, shift, spin, sweep, swivel, veer, verb, wheel, winding

Definitions of ‘speed’ speed (noun) Synonyms: velocity, [[swiftness]], [[rapidity]], celerity, [[haste]], expedition, [[dispatch]], posthaste, impetuosity Associated words: tachymeter, tachometer, trechometer, […]

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 accelerate, celerity, dispatch, expedite, expedition, facilitate, favor, haste, hasten, hurry, impetuosity, impetus, momentum, noun, posthaste, prosper, quicken, rapidity, stathmograph, swiftness, tachometer, tachymeter, trechometer, velocity, verb

Definitions of ‘smile’ smile (noun) Synonyms: smiling, propitiousness, [[favor]]

Dictionary April 22, 2024 April 22, 2024 favor, noun, propitiousness, smiling

Definitions of ‘popularity’ popularity (noun) Synonyms: favor, esteem, approbation, celebrity

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 approbation, celebrity, esteem, favor, noun

Definitions of ‘mercy’ mercy (noun) Synonyms: clemency, pity, lenity, leniency, lenience, compassion, forgiveness, placability, discretion, disposal, blessing, favor Antonyms: revenge, […]

Dictionary December 19, 2023 December 19, 2023 blessing, clemency, compassion, discretion, disposal, favor, forgiveness, lenience, leniency, lenity, noun, pity, placability

Definitions of ‘kindness’ kindness (noun) Synonyms: compassion, benignity, benevolence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, compassionateness, favor, service, good turn

Dictionary November 19, 2023 November 19, 2023 benevolence, benignity, clemency, compassion, compassionateness, favor, good turn, graciousness, kindliness, noun, service

Definitions of ‘indulgence’ indulgence (noun) Synonyms: humoring, pampering, gratification, kindness, favor, lenity, forbearance, absolution Antonyms: mortification, denial, restraint, non-indulgence

Dictionary November 3, 2023 November 3, 2023 absolution, favor, forbearance, gratification, humoring, kindness, lenity, noun, pampering
Good graces

Definitions of ‘good graces’ Synonyms: favor, friendship, regard

Dictionary October 4, 2023 October 4, 2023 favor, friendship, regard

Definitions of ‘courtesy’ courtesy (noun) Synonyms: politeness, urbanity, civility, complaisance, favor, indulgence, curtsy

Dictionary July 5, 2023 July 5, 2023 civility, complaisance, curtsy, favor, indulgence, noun, politeness, urbanity

Definitions of ‘countenance’ countenance (noun) Synonyms: face, visage, features, support, goodwill, encouragement countenance (verb) Synonyms encourage, favor, approve

Dictionary July 4, 2023 July 4, 2023 approve, encourage, encouragement, face, favor, features, goodwill, noun, support, verb, visage

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approve, encourage, encouragement, face, favor, features, goodwill, noun, support, verb, visage
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