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Definitions of ‘surly’ surly (adjective) Synonyms: [[morose]], [[sullen]], [[crabbed]], [[unamiable]], [[gruff]], inurbane, snarling, [[crusty]]

Dictionary May 19, 2024 May 19, 2024 adjective, crabbed, crusty, gruff, inurbane, morose, snarling, sullen, unamiable

Definitions of ‘rough’ rough (adjective) Synonyms: [[uneven]], [[jagged]], craggy, rugged, [[cragged]], [[scraggy]], [[rude]], inurbane, burly, unrefined, [[discourteous]], [[uncivil]], [[blunt]], [[bluff]], […]

Dictionary March 19, 2024 March 19, 2024 abrupt, adjective, austere, bluff, blunt, boisterous, boorish, brusque, bully, burly, cragged, craggy, crude, cursory, discordant, discourteous, disheveled, drastic, grating, gruff, hard, harsh, inclement, incomplete, inharmonious, inurbane, jagged, noun, raucous, rowdy, rude, ruffian, rugged, scabrous, scraggy, severe, shaggy, stormy, superficial, tempestuous, tumultuous, uncivil, uncourtly, uncut, uneven, unkempt, unpolished, unrefined, violent

Definitions of ‘impolite’ impolite (adjective) Synonyms: discourteous, inurbane, rude, uncivil, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, churlish, brusque, unamiable, surly, gruff, boorish

Dictionary October 29, 2023 October 29, 2023 adjective, boorish, brusque, churlish, discourteous, disrespectful, gruff, impertinent, insolent, inurbane, rude, saucy, surly, unamiable, uncivil

Definitions of ‘bluff’ bluff (adjective) Synonyms: abrupt, unceremonious, brusque, gruff, surly, precipitous, steep, abrupt

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 abrupt, adjective, brusque, gruff, precipitous, steep, surly, unceremonious

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abrupt, adjective, brusque, gruff, precipitous, steep, surly, unceremonious
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