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Definitions of ‘wax’ wax (verb) Synonyms: cere, [[increase]], [[grow]], [[develop]], become larger

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 become larger, cere, develop, grow, increase, verb

Definitions of ‘swell’ swell (verb) Synonyms: distend, [[dilate]], [[expand]], [[bloat]], puff up, tumefy, intumesce, [[increase]], augment, heave, surge, protuberate, strut, […]

Dictionary May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 augment, augmentation, bloat, bulge, dilate, distend, elevation, expand, heave, increase, intumesce, noun, protuberance, protuberate, puff up, rise, strut, surge, swagger, swelling, tumefy, verb

Definitions of ‘rise’ rise (noun) Synonyms: [[ascent]], [[spring]], [[source]], [[origin]], [[beginning]], [[increase]], [[advance]], [[appreciation]], augmentation, [[elevation]], [[hill]], [[knoll]]

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 advance, appreciation, ascent, augmentation, beginning, elevation, hill, increase, knoll, noun, origin, source, spring

Definitions of ‘growth’ growth (noun) Synonyms: growing, development, accretion, extension, increase, augmentation, increment, enlargement, excrescence hypertrophy, overgrowth, germination, cultivation, pullulation, […]

Dictionary October 9, 2023 October 9, 2023 accretion, augmentation, cultivation, development, enlargement, excrescence hypertrophy, extension, germination, growing, increase, increment, noun, overgrowth, pullulation, sprouting

Definitions of ‘grow’ grow (verb) Synonyms: increase, extend, augment, wax, accrue, develop, expand, mature, flourish, thrive, vegetate, sprout, pullulate, germinate, […]

Dictionary October 8, 2023 October 8, 2023 accrue, augment, bourgeon, cultivate, develop, expand, extend, flourish, germinate, increase, mature, pullulate, raise, sprout, thrive, vegetate, verb, wax

Definitions of ‘gain’ gain (noun) Synonyms: increase, profit, advantage, increment, acquisition, accumulation, accretion, store, hoarding, emolument, lucre gain (verb) Synonyms: […]

Dictionary September 26, 2023 September 26, 2023 accretion, accumulation, achieve, acquire, acquisition, advantage, attain, conciliate, emolument, get, hoarding, increase, increment, induce, lucre, noun, obtain, persuade, profit, store, verb, win

Definitions of ‘enlargement’ enlargement (noun) Synonyms: augmentation, extension, expansion, dilation, development, growth, increase, amplification, dilatation, ennoblement, expatiation

Dictionary August 19, 2023 August 19, 2023 amplification, augmentation, development, dilatation, dilation, ennoblement, expansion, expatiation, extension, growth, increase, noun

Definitions of ‘enlarge’ enlarge (verb) Synonyms: magnify, amplify, augment, expand, develop, increase, extend, swell, dilate, descant, launch out, expatiate, ennoble, […]

Dictionary August 19, 2023 August 19, 2023 amplify, augment, broaden, descant, develop, dilate, ennoble, expand, expatiate, extend, increase, launch out, magnify, swell, verb

Definitions of ‘aggravate’ aggravate (verb) Synonyms: intensify, heighten, enhance, increase, exasperate, irritate, provoke

Dictionary April 21, 2023 April 21, 2023 enhance, exasperate, heighten, increase, intensify, irritate, provoke, verb

Definitions of ‘advance’ advance (noun) Synonyms: progress, progression, march, advancement, promotion, preferment, elevation, appreciation, enhancement, overture, tender, proposal, proffer, offer […]

Dictionary April 19, 2023 April 19, 2023 advancement, appreciation, augment, elevate, elevation, enhance, enhancement, increase, march, noun, offer, overture, preferment, proffer, progress, progression, promote, promotion, proposal, tender, verb

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advancement, appreciation, augment, elevate, elevation, enhance, enhancement, increase, march, noun, offer, overture, preferment, proffer, progress, progression, promote, promotion, proposal, tender, verb
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