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Definitions of ‘wrong’ wrong (adjective) Synonyms: [[immoral]], [[bad]], [[wicked]], [[sinful]], [[evil]], [[improper]], [[criminal]], vicious, [[unjust]], [[contraband]], wrongful, iniquitous, [[blameworthy]], reprehensible, […]

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 abuse, adjective, adverb, amiss, bad, base, blameworthy, cheat, contraband, criminal, crooked, damnify, defraud, delinquency, dereliction, detriment, disservice, erroneous, erroneously, error, evil, false, falsity, grievance, guilt, immoral, immorality, improbity, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, inequity, inexact, iniquitous, iniquity, injury, injustice, malpractice, maltreat, mischief, misdemeanor, misdoing, mistaken, noun, obliquity, offense, oppression, peccancy, reprehensible, reverse, sin, sinful, sinister, tort, transgression, trespass, unjust, unsuitable, untrue, verb, vice, vicious, wicked, wrongful

Definitions of ‘wound’ wound (noun) Synonyms: [[hurt]], [[injury]], scath, lesion, trauma, traumatism Associated words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, vulnerary, vulnific, […]

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 antiseptic, autoplasty, disable, dossil, hurt, ichor, injure, injury, inviolable, invulnerability, invulnerable, lesion, maim, noun, pledget, probe, sanies, sanious, scath, spleget, tent, trauma, traumatism, verb, violable, vulnerability, vulnerable, vulnerary, vulnific

Definitions of ‘violence’ violence (noun) Synonyms: [[force]], impetuosity, [[vehemence]], intensity, [[severity]], wildness, [[fury]], [[injury]], [[violation]], profanation, [[outrage]], [[assault]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 assault, force, fury, impetuosity, injury, intensity, noun, outrage, profanation, severity, vehemence, violation, wildness

Definitions of ‘mar’ mar (noun) Synonyms: defacement, disfigurement, blemish, injury, defect mar (verb) Synonyms: deface, damage, injure, impair

Dictionary December 12, 2023 December 12, 2023 blemish, damage, deface, defacement, defect, disfigurement, impair, injure, injury, noun, verb

Definitions of ‘hurt’ hurt (verb) Synonyms: damage, wound, impair, harm, injure, offend, harry hurt (noun) Synonyms: injury, wound, detriment, harm, […]

Dictionary October 25, 2023 October 25, 2023 damage, detriment, harm, harry, impair, injure, injury, noun, offend, verb, wound

Definitions of ‘harm’ harm (verb) Synonyms: injure, hurt, damage, impair, scathe, mar, deface, abuse, misuse harm (noun) Synonyms: injury, damage, […]

Dictionary October 14, 2023 October 14, 2023 abuse, damage, deface, detriment, hurt, impair, injure, injury, mar, mischief, misfortune, misuse, noun, scath, scathe, verb

Definitions of ‘evil’ evil (adjective) Synonyms: sinful, immoral, sinister, unrighteous, vicious, pernicious See bad evil (noun) Synonyms: wickedness, depravity, sin, […]

Dictionary August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023 adjective, bad, Belial, calamity, damage, depravity, disaster, immoral, iniquity, injury, injustice, mischief, misfortune, noun, pernicious, perniciousness, reverse, sin, sinful, sinister, unrighteous, unrighteousness, vicious, wickedness, wrong

Definitions of ‘damage’ damage (verb) Synonyms: injure, hurt, harm, despoil, scathe, deface, impair, disfigure, damnify damage (noun) Synonyms: injury, detriment, […]

Dictionary July 14, 2023 July 14, 2023 damnify, deface, defacement, despoil, detriment, disfigure, harm, hurt, impair, impairment, injure, injury, mischief, noun, scathe, verb

Definitions of ‘abuse’ abuse (verb) Synonyms: misapply, misuse, pervert, desecrate, violate, profane, maltreat, mistreat, revile, reproach, vilify, vituperate, malign, traduce, […]

Dictionary April 15, 2023 April 15, 2023 billingsgate, contumely, desecrate, desecration, injury, invective, malign, maltreat, maltreatment, misapplication, misapply, mistreat, mistreatment, misuse, noun, offense, opprobrium, outrage, perversion, pervert, profanation, profane, rape, ravish, reproach, revile, scurrility, tirade, traduce, verb, vilification, vilify, violate, violation, vituperate

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billingsgate, contumely, desecrate, desecration, injury, invective, malign, maltreat, maltreatment, misapplication, misapply, mistreat, mistreatment, misuse, noun, offense, opprobrium, outrage, perversion, pervert, profanation, profane, rape, ravish, reproach, revile, scurrility, tirade, traduce, verb, vilification, vilify, violate, violation, vituperate
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