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Definitions of ‘abundant’ abundant (adjective) Synonyms: plentiful, copious, exuberant, galore, ample, lavish, plenteous, teeming, bountiful Antonyms: deficient, inadequate, insufficient

Dictionary April 15, 2023 April 15, 2023 adjective, ample, bountiful, copious, exuberant, galore, lavish, plenteous, plentiful, teeming

Definitions of ‘extravagant’ extravagant (adjective) Synonyms: wasteful, unthrifty, prodigal, improvident, lavish, wild, immoderate, preposterous, inordinate, exorbitant Antonyms: See thrifty

Dictionary August 28, 2023 August 28, 2023 adjective, exorbitant, immoderate, improvident, inordinate, lavish, preposterous, prodigal, unthrifty, wasteful, wild

Definitions of ‘flush’ flush (noun) Synonyms: blush, glow, thrill, rosiness, redness flush (adjective) Synonyms: liberal, prodigal, free, lavish, even, plane, […]

Dictionary September 13, 2023 September 13, 2023 adjective, affluent, blush, even, exuberant, fecund, flat, free, glow, lavish, level, liberal, noun, plane, prodigal, prolific, redness, rosiness, thrill

Definitions of ‘free’ free (verb) Synonyms: liberate, manumit, disinthrall, deliver, emancipate, release, enfranchise, disengage, exonerate, acquit, extricate, disentangle free (adjective) […]

Dictionary September 21, 2023 September 21, 2023 acquit, adjective, artless, bountiful, candid, communicative, deliver, delivered, disengage, disentangle, disinthrall, dissolute, eager, emancipate, emancipated, enfranchise, exempt, exonerate, extricate, familiar, flush, frank, freed, generous, gratuitous, hospitable, immoderate, immune, independent, informal, ingenuous, lavish, lax, liberal, liberate, liberated, manumit, munificent, open-handed, optional, prodigal, prompt, ready, release, released, spontaneous, unconstrained, unreserved, unrestrained, verb, voluntary, willing

Definitions of ‘free-handed’ free-handed (adjective) Synonyms: liberal, open-handed, lavish

Dictionary September 21, 2023 September 21, 2023 adjective, lavish, liberal, open-handed

Definitions of ‘generous’ generous (adjective) Synonyms: magnanimous, noble, highminded, ingenuous, munificent, bountiful, open-handed, liberal, lavish, charitable, unstinted, abundant, plentiful, overflowing […]

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 abundant, adjective, bountiful, charitable, highminded, ingenuous, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, munificent, noble, open-handed, overflowing, plentiful, unstinted

Definitions of ‘liberal’ liberal (adjective) Synonyms: generous, open-handed, bounteous, munificent, unstinted, princely, profuse, lavish, ample, abundant, catholic, magnanimous, tolerant Antonyms: […]

Dictionary November 28, 2023 November 28, 2023 abundant, adjective, ample, bounteous, catholic, generous, lavish, magnanimous, munificent, open-handed, princely, profuse, tolerant, unstinted

Definitions of ‘plentiful’ plentiful (adjective) Synonyms: abundant, bounteous, ample, galore, copious, full, sufficient, lavish, replete, unstinted, prolific Antonyms: scarce, deficient, […]

Dictionary February 7, 2024 February 7, 2024 abundant, adjective, ample, bounteous, copious, full, galore, lavish, prolific, replete, sufficient, unstinted

Definitions of ‘prodigal’ prodigal (adjective) Synonyms: [[wasteful]], [[extravagant]], [[lavish]], profuse

Dictionary February 15, 2024 February 15, 2024 adjective, extravagant, lavish, profuse, wasteful

Definitions of ‘wasteful’ wasteful (adjective) Synonyms: [[extravagant]], [[prodigal]], unthrifty, improvident infrugal, [[lavish]], [[thriftless]]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, extravagant, improvident infrugal, lavish, prodigal, thriftless, unthrifty

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adjective, extravagant, improvident infrugal, lavish, prodigal, thriftless, unthrifty
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