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Definitions of ‘tie’ tie (verb) Synonyms: [[secure]], [[fasten]], [[bind]], tether, leash

Dictionary May 31, 2024 May 31, 2024 bind, fasten, leash, secure, tether, verb

Definitions of ‘string’ string (noun) Synonyms: [[cord]], [[line]], [[twine]], [[warp]], fillet, ribbon, series, [[chain]], concatenation, [[row]], chord, leash, [[learn]], thong […]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 chain, chord, concatenation, cord, fillet, learn, leash, line, monochord, noun, polychord, ribbon, row, series, thong, twine, warp

Definitions of ‘strap’ strap (noun) Synonyms: thong, strop, leash

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 leash, noun, strop, thong

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leash, noun, strop, thong
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