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Definitions of ‘volume’ volume (noun) Synonyms: book, tome, dimensions, [[compass]], [[size]], [[bulk]], [[mass]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 book, bulk, compass, dimensions, mass, noun, size, tome

Definitions of ‘lump’ lump (noun) Synonyms: mass, aggregation, aggregate lump (verb) Synonyms mass, amass

Dictionary December 6, 2023 December 6, 2023 aggregate, aggregation, amass, mass, noun, verb

Definitions of ‘heap’ heap (noun) Synonyms: pile, mass, accumulation, lot, stack, cumulation heap (verb) Synonyms: amass, accumulate, pile, stack, cumulate

Dictionary October 16, 2023 October 16, 2023 accumulate, accumulation, amass, cumulate, cumulation, lot, mass, noun, pile, stack, verb

Definitions of ‘generality’ generality (noun) Synonyms: bulk, common run, mass, main body, universality, generalness

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 bulk, common run, generalness, main body, mass, noun, universality

Definitions of ‘crowd’ crowd (verb) Synonyms: press, shove, jostle, compress, cram, cramp, squeeze, stow, impact, swarm, throng, troop, intrude crowd […]

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 assembly, bevy, commonalty, compress, concourse, confluence, cram, cramp, crush, horde, host, impact, intrude, jostle, knot, mass, mob, multitude, noun, number, populace, posse, press, proletariat, rabble, rabblerout, riffraff, roughscuff, shove, squeeze, stow, swarm, the masses, throng, troop, verb

Definitions of ‘bulk’ bulk (noun) Synonyms: mass, size, dimensions, magnitude, bulkiness, majority, mass

Dictionary May 31, 2023 May 31, 2023 bulkiness, dimensions, magnitude, majority, mass, noun, size

Definitions of ‘body’ body (noun) Synonyms: the physical person, torso, trunk, physique, bulk, mass, axis, centrum, individual, person, creature, system, […]

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 anatomy, axis, bicorporal, bulk, centrum, code, consistency, corporeality, corporeity, creature, cuerpo, disembodiment, disembody, embodiment, embody, hulk, in cuerpo, individual, manikin, mass, noun, person, physiology, physique, somatic, substance, system, the physical person, torso, trunk

Definitions of ‘aggregation’ aggregation (noun) Synonyms: collection, accumulation, mass

Dictionary April 21, 2023 April 21, 2023 accumulation, collection, mass, noun

Definitions of ‘aggregate’ aggregate (noun) Synonyms: mass, whole, total

Dictionary April 21, 2023 April 21, 2023 mass, noun, total, whole

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mass, noun, total, whole
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