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Definitions of ‘shock’ shock (verb) Synonyms: [[dismay]], horrify, appall, [[terrify]], [[frighten]], stook, astound, [[stun]], [[paralyze]], [[scandalize]], [[outrage]], [[offend]] shock (noun) […]

Dictionary April 11, 2024 April 11, 2024 appall, astound, blow, brunt, clash, collision, concussion, dismay, frighten, hattock, horrify, impact, noun, offend, onset, outrage, paralyze, percussion, scandalize, stook, stroke, stun, terrify, verb

Definitions of ‘scandalize’ scandalize (verb) Synonyms: [[shock]], [[offend]], [[displease]], [[disgrace]], [[slander]], [[defame]], [[vilify]]

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 defame, disgrace, displease, offend, shock, slander, verb, vilify

Definitions of ‘revolt’ revolt (noun) Synonyms: [[rebellion]], [[sedition]], uprising, [[mutiny]], insurrection, insubordination, [[insurgency]] revolt (verb) Synonyms: [[rebel]], [[mutiny]], [[disgust]], [[nauseate]], […]

Dictionary March 13, 2024 March 13, 2024 disgust, insubordination, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, nauseate, noun, offend, rebel, rebellion, sedition, shock, uprising, verb

Definitions of ‘rasp’ rasp (verb) Synonyms: grate, [[file]], [[offend]]

Dictionary February 26, 2024 February 26, 2024 file, grate, offend, verb
Put out

Definitions of ‘put out’ Synonyms: [[eject]], [[oust]], [[remove]], evict, [[dispossess]], dislodge, [[extend]], protrude, extinguish, [[issue]], [[publish]], [[dislocate]], [[displease]], [[offend]], [[anger]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 anger, dislocate, dislodge, displease, dispossess, eject, evict, extend, extinguish, issue, offend, oust, protrude, publish, remove

Definitions of ‘provoke’ provoke (verb) Synonyms: [[incite]], [[stimulate]], instigate, [[rouse]], [[exasperate]], [[displease]], [[aggravate]], [[offend]]

Dictionary February 17, 2024 February 17, 2024 aggravate, displease, exasperate, incite, instigate, offend, rouse, stimulate, verb

Definitions of ‘pique’ pique (noun) Synonyms: displeasure, resentment, vexation, umbrage pique (verb) Synonyms: displease, offend

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 displease, displeasure, noun, offend, resentment, umbrage, verb, vexation

Definitions of ‘irritate’ irritate (verb) Synonyms: intensify, stimulate, provoke, vex, annoy, offend, chafe

Dictionary November 12, 2023 November 12, 2023 annoy, chafe, intensify, offend, provoke, stimulate, verb, vex

Definitions of ‘insult’ insult (noun) Synonyms: indignity, affront insult (verb) Synonyms: offend, affront, flout

Dictionary November 9, 2023 November 9, 2023 affront, flout, indignity, noun, offend, verb

Definitions of ‘hurt’ hurt (verb) Synonyms: damage, wound, impair, harm, injure, offend, harry hurt (noun) Synonyms: injury, wound, detriment, harm, […]

Dictionary October 25, 2023 October 25, 2023 damage, detriment, harm, harry, impair, injure, injury, noun, offend, verb, wound

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damage, detriment, harm, harry, impair, injure, injury, noun, offend, verb, wound
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