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Definitions of ‘will’ will (noun) Synonyms: volition, preference, [[choice]], [[command]], wish behest, [[order]] will (noun) Synonyms: testament, [[devise]] Associated words: […]

Dictionary July 21, 2024 July 21, 2024 bequeath, bequeathable, bequeather, bequeathment, bequest, choice, codicil, command, decree, desire, devise, devisee, devisor, direct, intestable, intestacy, intestate, leave, legacy, legatee, legator, noun, nuncupative, ordain, order, preference, surrogate, testable, testacy, testament, testamentary, testate, testator, testatrix, verb, volition, want, wish, wish behest

Definitions of ‘settle’ settle (verb) Synonyms: fix, [[establish]], ordain, [[install]], adjust, determine, [[decide]], [[sink]], [[subside]], [[fall]], precipitate, [[quiet]], [[calm]], [[pacify]], […]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 adjust, calm, colonize, decide, determine, establish, fall, fix, install, ordain, pacify, people, precipitate, quiet, sink, subside, tranquillize, verb

Definitions of ‘law’ law (noun) Synonyms: statute, ordinance, edict, enactment, decree, canon, usage Associated words: jurisprudence, nomology, nomography, nomocracy, antinomy, […]

Dictionary November 24, 2023 November 24, 2023 antinomy, canon, causidical, code, codex, codification, codify, decree, digest, dysnomy, edict, enact, enactment, forensic, judicial, jurat, juratory, juridic, juridical, juris consult, jurisprudence, jurisprudent, jurist, juristic, legislate, legislation, legislative, moratory, neonomian, nomistic, nomocracy, nomography, nomology, nomothetic, noun, ordain, ordinance, pandect, publicist, repeal, statute, usage, veto

Definitions of ‘decree’ decree (noun) Synonyms: edict, fiat, mandate, decretal, rescript decree (verb) Synonyms enact, ordain, enjoin

Dictionary July 18, 2023 July 18, 2023 decretal, edict, enact, enjoin, fiat, mandate, noun, ordain, rescript, verb

Definitions of ‘appoint’ appoint (verb) Synonyms: establish, prescribe, ordain, enjoin, assign, allot, deputize, depute, commission, delegate, nominate

Dictionary April 29, 2023 April 29, 2023 allot, assign, commission, delegate, depute, deputize, enjoin, establish, nominate, ordain, prescribe, verb

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allot, assign, commission, delegate, depute, deputize, enjoin, establish, nominate, ordain, prescribe, verb
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