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Definitions of ‘department’ department (noun) Synonyms: division, section, part, category, district, precinct, branch, province, station, sphere, capacity

Dictionary July 22, 2023 July 22, 2023 branch, capacity, category, district, division, noun, part, precinct, province, section, sphere, station

Definitions of ‘divide’ divide (verb) Synonyms: sunder, split, cleave, disunite, part, separate, sever, dissociate, disconnect, detach, disintegrate, demarcate, dimidiate, partition, […]

Dictionary August 4, 2023 August 4, 2023 alienate, allot, apportion, assign, cleave, demarcate, detach, dimidiate, disaffect, disconnect, disintegrate, dissociate, distribute, disunite, estrange, parcel out, part, partake, participate, partition, separate, sever, share, split, sunder, verb

Definitions of ‘division’ division (noun) Synonyms: separation, partition, demarcation, dimidiation, section, segment, part, compartment, portion, canton, category, group, disunion, alienation, […]

Dictionary August 4, 2023 August 4, 2023 alienation, allotment, apportionment, canton, category, compartment, demarcation, dimidiation, dissension, distribution, disunion, group, noun, part, partition, portion, schism, section, segment, separation, variance

Definitions of ‘function’ function (noun) Synonyms: duty, province, office, business, part, discharge, performance, execution, party, entertainment, festivity, reception

Dictionary September 24, 2023 September 24, 2023 business, discharge, duty, entertainment, execution, festivity, noun, office, part, party, performance, province, reception

Definitions of ‘ingredient’ ingredient (noun) Synonyms: constituent, element, component, part

Dictionary November 6, 2023 November 6, 2023 component, constituent, element, noun, part

Definitions of ‘interest’ interest (noun) Synonyms: concern, share, portion, part, participation, advantage, benefit, weal, behoof, usury Antonyms: boredom, ennui, indifference, […]

Dictionary November 10, 2023 November 10, 2023 advantage, behoof, benefit, concern, noun, part, participation, portion, share, usury, weal

Definitions of ‘member’ member (noun) Synonyms: part, organ, limb, constituent, component, part

Dictionary December 17, 2023 December 17, 2023 component, constituent, limb, noun, organ, part

Definitions of ‘portion’ portion (noun) Synonyms: part, section, piece, allotment, quota, share, contingent, inheritance, dowry

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 allotment, contingent, dowry, inheritance, noun, part, piece, quota, section, share

Definitions of ‘section’ section (noun) Synonyms: [[portion]], [[part]], [[division]], segment, [[piece]], paragraph

Dictionary April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024 division, noun, paragraph, part, piece, portion, segment

Definitions of ‘separate’ separate (verb) Synonyms: [[divide]], [[dissolve]], [[detach]], sunder, [[sever]], [[disconnect]], [[part]], disjoin, [[withdraw]], [[rend]], dissociate, [[disengage]], [[isolate]], disunite, […]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, apart, cleave, deglutinate, detach, detached, disconnect, disconnected, disengage, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoined, disperse, dissever, dissipate, dissociate, dissolve, distinct, disunite, disunited, divide, eliminate, insulate, isolate, isolated, part, rend, scatter, segregate, segregated, separated, sequester, sever, severed, sunder, verb, withdraw, withdrawn

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adjective, apart, cleave, deglutinate, detach, detached, disconnect, disconnected, disengage, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoined, disperse, dissever, dissipate, dissociate, dissolve, distinct, disunite, disunited, divide, eliminate, insulate, isolate, isolated, part, rend, scatter, segregate, segregated, separated, sequester, sever, severed, sunder, verb, withdraw, withdrawn
Viewing 1-10 of 11 articles