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Definitions of ‘wager’ wager (verb) Synonyms: [[bet]], [[stake]], [[pledge]], [[hazard]], [[speculate]]

Dictionary July 11, 2024 July 11, 2024 bet, hazard, pledge, speculate, stake, verb

Definitions of ‘vow’ vow (noun) Synonyms: [[pledge]] Associated words: [[votary]], votive

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 noun, pledge, votary, votive

Definitions of ‘surety’ surety (noun) Synonyms: [[sureness]], [[certainty]], [[security]], [[pledge]], guaranty, [[bondsman]], [[substitute]], hostage, [[sponsor]], [[ratification]], corroboration

Dictionary May 18, 2024 May 18, 2024 bondsman, certainty, corroboration, guaranty, hostage, noun, pledge, ratification, security, sponsor, substitute, sureness

Definitions of ‘stake’ stake (noun) Synonyms: [[picket]], [[pale]], [[post]], [[pledge]], [[wager]], [[bet]], [[venture]], [[risk]], [[hazard]] stake (verb) Synonyms: [[venture]], [[risk]], […]

Dictionary May 5, 2024 May 5, 2024 bet, hazard, noun, pale, picket, pledge, post, risk, venture, verb, wager

Definitions of ‘security’ security (noun) Synonyms: [[safety]], [[confidence]], [[assurance]], [[certainty]], [[warranty]], [[surety]], indemnification, [[pledge]], [[indemnity]], [[bond]], [[guarantee]], vadium, [[defense]], [[protection]], […]

Dictionary April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024 assurance, bond, bulwark, certainty, confidence, defense, guarantee, indemnification, indemnity, noun, pledge, protection, safety, surety, vadium, warranty

Definitions of ‘promise’ promise (noun) Synonyms: [[pledge]], [[word]], parole, [[plight]], [[betrothal]], troth, [[vow]], [[assurance]], [[covenant]] promise (verb) Synonyms: [[pledge]], [[covenant]], […]

Dictionary February 16, 2024 February 16, 2024 assurance, assure, betrothal, covenant, noun, parole, pledge, plight, troth, verb, vow, word

Definitions of ‘plight’ plight (noun) Synonyms: condition, state, dilemma, predicament, situation, scrape plight (verb) Synonyms: pawn, pledge, promise, betroth

Dictionary February 7, 2024 February 7, 2024 betroth, condition, dilemma, noun, pawn, pledge, predicament, promise, scrape, situation, state, verb

Definitions of ‘pawn’ pawn (verb) Synonyms: pledge, impawn

Dictionary January 25, 2024 January 25, 2024 impawn, pledge, verb

Definitions of ‘oath’ oath (noun) Synonyms: adjuration, pledge, sworn promise, curse, profanity, swearing, expletive, blasphemy Associated words: juratory, profane, imprecate

Dictionary January 9, 2024 January 9, 2024 adjuration, blasphemy, curse, expletive, imprecate, juratory, noun, pledge, profane, profanity, swearing, sworn promise

Definitions of ‘engagement’ engagement (noun) Synonyms: betrothal, affiance, betrothment, contract, pledge, stipulation, promise, encounter, combat, fight, conflict, action

Dictionary August 18, 2023 August 18, 2023 action, affiance, betrothal, betrothment, combat, conflict, contract, encounter, fight, noun, pledge, promise, stipulation

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action, affiance, betrothal, betrothment, combat, conflict, contract, encounter, fight, noun, pledge, promise, stipulation
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