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Definitions of ‘unsentimental’ unsentimental (adjective) Synonyms: [[matter-of-fact]], prosaic, pragmatical, [[practical]]

Dictionary June 27, 2024 June 27, 2024 adjective, matter-of-fact, practical, pragmatical, prosaic

Definitions of ‘unromantic’ unromantic (adjective) Synonyms: prosaic, pragmatical, [[matter-of-fact]], [[practical]], literal

Dictionary June 27, 2024 June 27, 2024 adjective, literal, matter-of-fact, practical, pragmatical, prosaic

Definitions of ‘unimaginative’ unimaginative (adjective) Synonyms: [[matter-of-fact]], prosaic, literal, [[practical]], [[unromantic]]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, literal, matter-of-fact, practical, prosaic, unromantic

Definitions of ‘stupid’ stupid (adjective) Synonyms: [[dull]], [[stolid]], obtuse, [[sluggish]], inept, bovine, beef-witted, beetle-headed, besotted, fat-witted, doltish, undiscerning, prosaic, [[vapid]], […]

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 adjective, beef-witted, beetle-headed, besotted, bovine, comatose, doltish, dull, fat-witted, humdrum, inept, insensible, lethargic, obtuse, prosaic, prosy, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, torpid, undiscerning, uninspiring tame, vapid

Definitions of ‘prosy’ prosy (adjective) Synonyms: prosaic, [[dull]], [[tiresome]], [[tedious]], uninteresting, jejune

Dictionary February 16, 2024 February 16, 2024 adjective, dull, jejune, prosaic, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting

Definitions of ‘matter-of-fact’ matter-of-fact (adjective) Synonyms: practical, pragmatical, unimaginative, commonplace, prosaic

Dictionary December 15, 2023 December 15, 2023 adjective, commonplace, practical, pragmatical, prosaic, unimaginative

Definitions of ‘dull’ dull (adjective) Synonyms: unintelligent, obtuse, stolid, loggerheaded, inapt, doltish, beetle-headed, blockish, sluggish, apathetic, unfeeling, insensate, callous, blunt, […]

Dictionary August 11, 2023 August 11, 2023 adjective, allay, alleviate, apathetic, assuage, bedim, beetle-headed, benumb, blockish, blunt, callous, deaden, depress, depressing, dim, dishearten, doltish, dulled, faint, hebetate, inactive, inapt, insensate, jejune, lackluster, lifeless, loggerheaded, lusterless, matte, moderate, obscure, obtund, obtuse, pointless, prosaic, rebate, sadden, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefy, stupid, sully, tarnish, tedious, torpid, unfeeling, unintelligent, uninteresting, verb, wearisome

Definitions of ‘dry’ dry (adjective) Synonyms: desiccated, exsiccated, dried, evaporated, arid, parched, anhydrous, droughty, barren, uninteresting, jejune, vapid, tedious, prosaic, […]

Dictionary August 11, 2023 August 11, 2023 adjective, anhydrous, arid, barren, desiccated, dried, droll, droughty, evaporated, exsiccated, jejune, keen, parched, prosaic, quaint, sharp, shrewd, tame, tedious, uninteresting, vapid

Definitions of ‘commonplace’ commonplace (adjective) Synonyms: ordinary, banal, hackneyed, trite, platitudinous, prosaic commonplace (noun) Synonyms: platitude, banality

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, banal, banality, hackneyed, noun, ordinary, platitude, platitudinous, prosaic, trite

Definitions of ‘barren’ barren (adjective) Synonyms: sterile, agenestic, infecund, unprolific, unprocreant, unproductive, unfruitful, unfertile, effete, desert, unprofitable, fruitless, unremunerative, empty, […]

Dictionary May 10, 2023 May 10, 2023 adjective, agenestic, Desert, devoid, dull, effete, empty, fruitless, infecund, prosaic, sterile, stupid, unfertile, unfruitful, unimaginative, uninspiring, uninteresting, unprocreant, unproductive, unprofitable, unprolific, unremunerative

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adjective, agenestic, Desert, devoid, dull, effete, empty, fruitless, infecund, prosaic, sterile, stupid, unfertile, unfruitful, unimaginative, uninspiring, uninteresting, unprocreant, unproductive, unprofitable, unprolific, unremunerative
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