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Definitions of ‘torn’ torn (adjective) Synonyms: [[rent]], lacerated, ripped

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 adjective, lacerated, rent, ripped

Definitions of ‘tear’ tear (noun) Synonyms: [[rent]], fissure, [[rip]] tear (verb) Synonyms: [[rend]], [[rip]], [[lacerate]], dilacerate, sunder, [[dismember]], [[fume]], [[rage]], […]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 dilacerate, dismember, fissure, fume, lacerate, noun, rage, rant, rave, rend, rent, rip, storm, sunder, verb

Definitions of ‘split’ split (verb) Synonyms: rive, [[cleave]], sunder, [[rend]], [[divide]], [[separate]], [[rift]], burst, [[rupture]], disunite, disrupt split (adjective) Synonyms: […]

Dictionary May 2, 2024 May 2, 2024 adjective, burst, cleave, cleft, disrupt, disunite, disunited cloven, divide, divided, rend, rent, rift, rive, riven, rupture, separate, sunder, sundered, verb

Definitions of ‘rip’ rip (noun) Synonyms: [[rent]], [[tear]]

Dictionary March 15, 2024 March 15, 2024 noun, rent, tear

Definitions of ‘ragged’ ragged (adjective) Synonyms: [[rent]], [[torn]], frazzled, [[rough]], [[jagged]], [[ragamuffin]], tatterdemalion

Dictionary February 23, 2024 February 23, 2024 adjective, frazzled, jagged, ragamuffin, rent, rough, tatterdemalion, torn

Definitions of ‘opening’ opening (adjective) Synonyms: beginning, introductory, initiatory, preliminary opening (noun) Synonyms: aperture, fissure, gap, orifice, rift, chasm, hiatus, […]

Dictionary January 14, 2024 January 14, 2024 adjective, aperture, beginning, chasm, fissure, gap, hiatus, initiatory, introduction, introductory, noun, orifice, outset, preliminary, rent, rift, vacancy

Definitions of ‘let’ let (verb) Synonyms: allow, permit, suffer, lease, rent let (noun) Synonyms: hindrance

Dictionary November 27, 2023 November 27, 2023 allow, hindrance, lease, noun, permit, rent, suffer, verb

Definitions of ‘lease’ lease (verb) Synonyms: let, demise, rent lease (noun) Synonyms: letting, demise, tenure Associated words: lessee, lessor

Dictionary November 26, 2023 November 26, 2023 demise, lessee, lessor, let, letting, noun, rent, tenure, verb

Definitions of ‘hole’ hole (noun) Synonyms: cavity, excavation, pit, perforation, rent, fissure, opening, aperture, delve, cache, concavity, mortise, puncture, orifice, […]

Dictionary October 20, 2023 October 20, 2023 aperture, auger, awl, bit, bodkin, bore, bung, burrow, cache, cave, cavity, concavity, cover, crevice, delve, den, dibble, drill, excavation, eyelet, eyeleteer, fissure, gap, gimlet, gouge, holt, hovel, imperforable, imperforate, interstice, lair, loophole, manhole, mortise, muse, muset, noun, opening, orifice, perforate, perforation, pierce, pink, pit, plug, pothole, probe, punch, puncheon, puncture, rent, retreat, scupper, scuttle, spigot, spile, spiracle, stylet, vent, wimble

Definitions of ‘gap’ gap (noun) Synonyms: hiatus, rift, crevice, rent, interstice, chasm See opening

Dictionary September 27, 2023 September 27, 2023 chasm, crevice, hiatus, interstice, noun, opening, rent, rift

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chasm, crevice, hiatus, interstice, noun, opening, rent, rift
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