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Definitions of ‘wrong’ wrong (adjective) Synonyms: [[immoral]], [[bad]], [[wicked]], [[sinful]], [[evil]], [[improper]], [[criminal]], vicious, [[unjust]], [[contraband]], wrongful, iniquitous, [[blameworthy]], reprehensible, […]

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 abuse, adjective, adverb, amiss, bad, base, blameworthy, cheat, contraband, criminal, crooked, damnify, defraud, delinquency, dereliction, detriment, disservice, erroneous, erroneously, error, evil, false, falsity, grievance, guilt, immoral, immorality, improbity, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, inequity, inexact, iniquitous, iniquity, injury, injustice, malpractice, maltreat, mischief, misdemeanor, misdoing, mistaken, noun, obliquity, offense, oppression, peccancy, reprehensible, reverse, sin, sinful, sinister, tort, transgression, trespass, unjust, unsuitable, untrue, verb, vice, vicious, wicked, wrongful

Definitions of ‘undo’ undo (verb) Synonyms: [[reverse]], [[annul]], [[nullify]], [[abrogate]], [[neutralize]], [[invalidate]], [[loose]], unfasten, disentangle, impoverish, [[ruin]]

Dictionary June 17, 2024 June 17, 2024 abrogate, annul, disentangle, impoverish, invalidate, loose, neutralize, nullify, reverse, ruin, unfasten, verb
Turn upside down

Definitions of ‘turn upside down’ Synonyms: invert, [[reverse]]

Dictionary June 8, 2024 June 8, 2024 invert, reverse

Definitions of ‘turn’ turn (verb) Synonyms: [[revolve]], [[spin]], gyrate, [[rotate]], wheel, veer, [[shift]], swivel, deflect, inflect, [[reverse]], revert, divert, avert, […]

Dictionary June 8, 2024 June 8, 2024 accommodation, apply, avert, bend, crook, curve, deflect, deflection, detour, divert, favor, gyrate, inflect, invert, kindness, meander, noun, resort, reverse, revert, revolve, rotate, service, shift, spin, sweep, swivel, veer, verb, wheel, winding

Definitions of ‘revoke’ revoke (verb) Synonyms: [[repeal]], [[reverse]], [[recant]], rescind, [[abrogate]], [[countermand]], [[retract]], abjure

Dictionary March 13, 2024 March 13, 2024 abjure, abrogate, countermand, recant, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, verb

Definitions of ‘opposite’ opposite (noun) Synonyms: antithesis, counterpart, antipodes opposite (adjective) Synonyms: contrary, adverse, diametrical, antagonistic, inverse, reverse, contradictory, counter, […]

Dictionary January 14, 2024 January 14, 2024 adjective, adverse, antagonistic, antipodal, antipodes, antithesis, antithetic, contradictory, contrary, counter, counterpart, diametrical, incompatible, inconsistent, inverse, noun, reverse

Definitions of ‘misfortune’ misfortune (noun) Synonyms: disaster, calamity, frustration, mischance, reverse, affliction, mishap, bad luck

Dictionary December 23, 2023 December 23, 2023 affliction, bad luck, calamity, disaster, frustration, mischance, mishap, noun, reverse

Definitions of ‘hardship’ hardship (noun) Synonyms: privation, adversity, affliction, reverse, calamity, disaster, visitation

Dictionary October 14, 2023 October 14, 2023 adversity, affliction, calamity, disaster, noun, privation, reverse, visitation

Definitions of ‘evil’ evil (adjective) Synonyms: sinful, immoral, sinister, unrighteous, vicious, pernicious See bad evil (noun) Synonyms: wickedness, depravity, sin, […]

Dictionary August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023 adjective, bad, Belial, calamity, damage, depravity, disaster, immoral, iniquity, injury, injustice, mischief, misfortune, noun, pernicious, perniciousness, reverse, sin, sinful, sinister, unrighteous, unrighteousness, vicious, wickedness, wrong

Definitions of ‘downfall’ downfall (noun) Synonyms: downcome, descent, reverse, abasement, humiliation

Dictionary August 7, 2023 August 7, 2023 abasement, descent, downcome, humiliation, noun, reverse

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abasement, descent, downcome, humiliation, noun, reverse
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