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Definitions of ‘teeming’ teeming (adjective) Synonyms: prolific, [[abounding]], replete, [[overflowing]], [[rife]]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 abounding, adjective, overflowing, prolific, replete, rife

Definitions of ‘current’ current (adjective) Synonyms: present, instant, circulating, rife

Dictionary July 13, 2023 July 13, 2023 adjective, circulating, instant, present, rife

Definitions of ‘abounding’ abounding (adjective) Synonyms: rife, plentiful, abundant, galore

Dictionary April 14, 2023 April 14, 2023 abundant, adjective, galore, plentiful, rife

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abundant, adjective, galore, plentiful, rife
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