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Definitions of ‘daub’ daub (verb) Synonyms: smear, bedaub, besmear, soil, sully

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 bedaub, besmear, smear, soil, sully, verb

Definitions of ‘defile’ defile (verb) Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, soil, befoul, vitiate, taint, corrupt, infect, sully

Dictionary July 20, 2023 July 20, 2023 befoul, contaminate, corrupt, infect, pollute, soil, sully, taint, verb, vitiate

Definitions of ‘dirt’ dirt (noun) Synonyms: earth, soil, squalor, filth, muck, foulness

Dictionary July 28, 2023 July 28, 2023 earth, filth, foulness, muck, noun, soil, squalor

Definitions of ‘dirty’ dirty (adjective) Synonyms: defiled, unclean, foul, nasty, filthy, soiled, begrimed, grimy, squalid, uncleanly, loathsome, bedraggled, daggletailed, besmeared, […]

Dictionary July 28, 2023 July 28, 2023 abject, adjective, bedraggled, befoul, begrime, begrimed, besmear, besmeared, besmirch, contemptible, daggletailed, defile, defiled, despicable, filthy, foul, grimy, groveling, loathsome, nasty, soil, soiled, sordid, squalid, sullied, sully, tarnish, unclean, uncleanly, verb, vile

Definitions of ‘earth’ earth (noun) Synonyms: world, terra firma, globe, land, soil, ground See world

Dictionary August 13, 2023 August 13, 2023 globe, ground, land, noun, soil, terra firma, world

Definitions of ‘foul’ foul (adjective) Synonyms: filthy, squalid, dirty, polluted, scurrilous, abusive, obscene, insulting, blasphemous, vituperative, vulgar, shameful, detestable, odious, […]

Dictionary September 19, 2023 September 19, 2023 abominable, abusive, adjective, blasphemous, defile, detestable, dirty, disgusting, dreggish, dreggy, feculent, filthy, insulting, loathsome, obscene, odious, offensive, pollute, polluted, repulsive, roily, scurrilous, shameful, soil, squalid, turbid, unfavorable, unpropitious, verb, vituperative, vulgar

Definitions of ‘ground’ ground (noun) Synonyms: soil, earth, dirt, clod, loam, mould, clay, land, premise, reason, consideration, motive, inducement, reason, […]

Dictionary October 8, 2023 October 8, 2023 clay, clod, consideration, dirt, earth, inducement, land, loam, motive, mould, noun, premise, reason, soil, terra firma

Definitions of ‘land’ land (noun) Synonyms: terra firma, country, freehold, ground, soil, earth, realty, real estate, demesne, glebe, close, garth, […]

Dictionary November 22, 2023 November 22, 2023 abuttal, agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianize, agricultral, agricultre, agriculturist, agronomic, agronomics, agronomist, agronomy, allodium, alluvium, appanage, arable, arado, assart, barens, cadastre, cape, capture, close, continent, country, debark, delta, demesne, dereliction, disembark, earth, escheat, fallow, farm, freehold, garth, geoponic, geoponics, georgics, geoscopy, glebe, ground, headland, holm, inarable, innings, island, isthmus, noun, peninsula, plantation, plateau, real estate, realty, reliction, soil, terra firma, terrain, terrene, till, tilth, topography, verb

Definitions of ‘slur’ slur (verb) Synonyms: [[soil]], sully, [[disparage]], traduce, asperse, [[blur]], mackle slur (noun) Synonyms: [[stain]], [[mark]], innuendo, [[reproach]], […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 asperse, blur, brand, disparage, innuendo, mackle, mark, noun, reproach, soil, stain, sully, traduce, verb

Definitions of ‘stain’ stain (verb) Synonyms: [[soil]], sully, [[defile]], [[taint]] stain (noun) Synonyms: [[blot]], [[taint]], discoloration, [[tarnish]]

Dictionary May 5, 2024 May 5, 2024 blot, defile, discoloration, noun, soil, sully, taint, tarnish, verb

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blot, defile, discoloration, noun, soil, sully, taint, tarnish, verb
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