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Definitions of ‘try’ try (verb) Synonyms: [[test]], [[examine]], [[prove]], attempt, [[essay]], endeavor, [[purify]], [[refine]], hear, adjudicate, adjudge, [[strive]], [[seek]], [[strain]] […]

Dictionary June 7, 2024 June 7, 2024 adjudge, adjudicate, attempt, endeavor, essay, examine, experiment, hear, noun, prove, purify, refine, seek, strain, strive, test, trial, verb

Definitions of ‘sort’ sort (noun) Synonyms: [[kind]], [[species]], [[character]], [[description]], [[strain]], [[class]] sort (verb) Synonyms: assort, classify, conjoin, [[choose]], [[select]], […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 accord, agree, associate, assort, character, choose, class, classify, conform, conjoin, consort, cull, description, fraternize, harmonize, kind, noun, select, species, strain, verb

Definitions of ‘song’ song (noun) Synonyms: hymn, [[chant]], [[lay]], ditty, ballad, onody, chansonnette, lyric, lilt, lied, pæan, cantata, aria, sonnet, […]

Dictionary April 26, 2024 April 26, 2024 aria, ballad, cantata, chanson, chansonnette, chant, dirge, ditty, hymn, lay, lied, lilt, lyric, noun, onody, pæan, rhapsody, round, sonnet, strain

Definitions of ‘rack’ rack (noun) Synonyms: [[pain]], torture, agony, amble, pacing, [[crib]], manger, distaff, arrack rack (verb) Synonyms: [[stretch]], [[strain]], […]

Dictionary February 23, 2024 February 23, 2024 agonize, agony, amble, arrack, crib, distaff, harass, manger, noun, pacing, pain, persecute, strain, stretch, torment, torture, verb

Definitions of ‘quality’ quality (noun) Synonyms: [[nature]], [[character]], [[sort]], [[strain]], [[condition]], [[characteristic]], [[peculiarity]], trait, [[property]], [[attribute]], attribution, [[accident]], high rank, […]

Dictionary February 20, 2024 February 20, 2024 accident, aristocracy, attribute, attribution, character, characteristic, condition, gentry, high rank, nature, nobility, noun, peculiarity, property, sort, strain, trait

Definitions of ‘percolate’ percolate (verb) Synonyms: ooze, strain, filter, transude

Dictionary January 28, 2024 January 28, 2024 filter, ooze, strain, transude, verb

Definitions of ‘kind’ kind (adjective) Synonyms: indulgent, compassionate, merciful, lenient, clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-hearted, forbearing, benign, beneficent, humane, obliging […]

Dictionary November 19, 2023 November 19, 2023 adjective, beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, breed, character, clement, compassionate, description, forbearing, genre, genus, gracious, humane, indulgent, kidney, kind-hearted, lenient, merciful, nature, noun, obliging, sort, species, strain, style, variety

Definitions of ‘filter’ filter (verb) Synonyms: strain, clarify, filtrate, percolate, exude, ooze, seep, transude, infiltrate

Dictionary September 7, 2023 September 7, 2023 clarify, exude, filtrate, infiltrate, ooze, percolate, seep, strain, transude, verb

Definitions of ‘effort’ effort (noun) Synonyms: attempt, endeavor, trial, essay, venture, exertion, strain, struggle

Dictionary August 15, 2023 August 15, 2023 attempt, endeavor, essay, exertion, noun, strain, struggle, trial, venture

Definitions of ‘breed’ breed (verb) Synonyms: beget, generate, procreate, engender, conceive and bear, nurture, train, occasion, originate, engender breed (noun) […]

Dictionary May 28, 2023 May 28, 2023 beget, class, conceive and bear, engender, extraction, family, generate, kind, lineage, noun, nurture, occasion, originate, pedigree, procreate, race, sort, strain, train, variety, verb

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beget, class, conceive and bear, engender, extraction, family, generate, kind, lineage, noun, nurture, occasion, originate, pedigree, procreate, race, sort, strain, train, variety, verb
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