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Definitions of ‘fill’ fill (noun) Synonyms: thill, shaft fill (noun) Synonyms: sufficiency, plenty fill (verb) Synonyms: satisfy, cloy, satiate, sate, […]

Dictionary September 7, 2023 September 7, 2023 bloat, cloy, dilate, distend, expand, glut, hold, inflate, noun, occupy, pervade, plenty, replenish, sate, satiate, satisfy, shaft, stuff, sufficiency, thill, verb

Definitions of ‘gorge’ gorge (noun) Synonyms: gully, defile, ravine, pass gorge (verb) Synonyms: bolt, gulp, eat greedily, glut, stuff, satiate

Dictionary October 4, 2023 October 4, 2023 bolt, defile, eat greedily, glut, gully, gulp, noun, pass, ravine, satiate, stuff, verb

Definitions of ‘junk’ junk (noun) Synonyms: useless things, discarded things, clutter, stuff, odds and ends, bits and pieces, bric-a-brac, oddments, […]

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 bin, bits and pieces, bric-a-brac, bung away, bung out, castoffs, chuck away, chuck out, clutter, debris, detritus, Discard, discarded things, dispense with, dispose of, ditch, dreck, dross, dump, flotsam and jetsam, garbage, get rid of, get shot of, get shut of, gubbins, jettison, leavings, leftovers, litter, lumber, mullock, noun, oddments, odds and ends, odds and sods, refuse, rejects, remnants, rubbish, scrap, stuff, throw away, throw out, toss out, trash, useless things, verb, waste, white elephants

Definitions of ‘material’ material (noun) Synonyms: substance, matter, fabric, stuff, cloth, staple, plasma material (adjective) Synonyms: corporeal, bodily, physical, important, […]

Dictionary December 14, 2023 December 14, 2023 adjective, bodily, cloth, corporeal, essential, fabric, important, matter, momentous, noun, physical, plasma, staple, stuff, substance

Definitions of ‘overfeed’ overfeed (verb) Synonyms: surfeit, stuff, satiate, gorge, pamper

Dictionary January 18, 2024 January 18, 2024 gorge, pamper, satiate, stuff, surfeit, verb

Definitions of ‘ram’ ram (verb) Synonyms: [[cram]], [[stuff]], compress

Dictionary February 24, 2024 February 24, 2024 compress, cram, stuff, verb

Definitions of ’tissue’ tissue (noun) Synonyms: fabric, [[stuff]], [[cloth]], [[texture]], [[web]], [[network]], fabrication

Dictionary June 1, 2024 June 1, 2024 cloth, fabric, fabrication, network, noun, stuff, texture, web

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cloth, fabric, fabrication, network, noun, stuff, texture, web
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