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Definitions of ‘blemish’ blemish (verb) Synonyms: deface, mar, disfigure, sully blemish (noun) Synonyms: defect, fault, imperfection, eyesore, disfigurement, blot

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 blot, deface, defect, disfigure, disfigurement, eyesore, fault, imperfection, mar, noun, sully, verb

Definitions of ‘blot’ blot (noun) Synonyms: stain, blemish, smutch, smooch, reproach, erasure, obliteration blot (verb) Synonyms: stain, spot, blur, blemish, […]

Dictionary May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023 blemish, blur, delete, disgrace, dishonor, eclipse, efface, erase, erasure, expunge, noun, obliterate, obliteration, obscure, reproach, smooch, smutch, spot, stain, sully, tarnish, verb

Definitions of ‘blur’ blur (verb) Synonyms: dim, bedim, obscure, sully, blemish, mackle, macule blur (noun) Synonyms: blot, indistinctness, mackle, macule

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 bedim, blemish, blot, dim, indistinctness, mackle, macule, noun, obscure, sully, verb

Definitions of ‘cloud’ cloud (noun) Synonyms: nebulosity, rack, cirrus, cat’s-tail, mare’s-tail, cumulus, stratus, nimbus, cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, cumulo-stratus, storm scud, wane […]

Dictionary June 18, 2023 June 18, 2023 becloud, blacken, blemish, cat's-tail, cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, cirrus, cumulo-stratus, cumulus, eclipse, mare's-tail, meteorology, nebulosity, nephelodometer, nepheloid, nephelometer, nephograph, nephology, nephoscope, nimbus, noun, nubiferous, obfuscate, obscure, obscurity, overcast, rack, shade, storm scud, stratus, sully, tarnish, verb, wane cloud

Definitions of ‘contaminate’ contaminate (verb) Synonyms: corrupt, pollute, defile, infect, taint, vitiate, sully, debase

Dictionary June 29, 2023 June 29, 2023 corrupt, debase, defile, infect, pollute, sully, taint, verb, vitiate

Definitions of ‘darken’ darken (verb) Synonyms: shade, obscure, infuscate, shadow, becloud, obfuscate, perplex, confuse, sully, tarnish, discolor

Dictionary July 15, 2023 July 15, 2023 becloud, confuse, discolor, infuscate, obfuscate, obscure, perplex, shade, shadow, sully, tarnish, verb

Definitions of ‘daub’ daub (verb) Synonyms: smear, bedaub, besmear, soil, sully

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 bedaub, besmear, smear, soil, sully, verb

Definitions of ‘defile’ defile (verb) Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, soil, befoul, vitiate, taint, corrupt, infect, sully

Dictionary July 20, 2023 July 20, 2023 befoul, contaminate, corrupt, infect, pollute, soil, sully, taint, verb, vitiate

Definitions of ‘dirty’ dirty (adjective) Synonyms: defiled, unclean, foul, nasty, filthy, soiled, begrimed, grimy, squalid, uncleanly, loathsome, bedraggled, daggletailed, besmeared, […]

Dictionary July 28, 2023 July 28, 2023 abject, adjective, bedraggled, befoul, begrime, begrimed, besmear, besmeared, besmirch, contemptible, daggletailed, defile, defiled, despicable, filthy, foul, grimy, groveling, loathsome, nasty, soil, soiled, sordid, squalid, sullied, sully, tarnish, unclean, uncleanly, verb, vile

Definitions of ‘disgrace’ disgrace (noun) Synonyms: reproach, discredit, dishonor, shame, infamy, degradation, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, scandal, debasement, abasement […]

Dictionary July 30, 2023 July 30, 2023 abase, abasement, debase, debasement, degradation, degrade, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, humiliate, ignominy, infamy, noun, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, shame, sully, tarnish, verb

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abase, abasement, debase, debasement, degradation, degrade, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, humiliate, ignominy, infamy, noun, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, shame, sully, tarnish, verb
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