

Definitions of ‘omittance’

omittance (noun)

“Omittance” is a noun that refers to the act of omitting or excluding something, often the intentional or accidental exclusion or non-inclusion of a particular item, detail, or information. It is the state of being omitted, where something is left out or not included in a given context or situation.

Examples of the noun omittance in a sentence:

  • The document contained an unfortunate omittance of crucial details, leading to confusion among the team.
  • The author regretted the omittance of a key subplot from the final draft of the novel.
  • The financial report underwent careful review to ensure the prevention of any omittance of relevant expenses.
  • The meeting minutes highlighted the omittance of a critical discussion point that needed immediate attention.
  • The student faced consequences for the omittance of proper citations in the research paper.


omission, forbearance, default, neglect, oversight, skip, negligence, non-inclusion


inclusion, addition, incorporation, insertion, presence, admission, retention, introduction

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