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Neptune (Nep´tune), god of the sea, was a son of [[Saturn (mythology)]] and [[Cybele (mythology)]], and brother to [[Jupiter (mythology)]] […]

Mythology June 16, 2024 June 16, 2024 Amphitrite, Cybele, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Oceanus, Pluto, Polyphemus, Proteus, Saturn, Ships, Tritons

Tritons (Tri´tons) were sons of Triton, a son of [[Neptune (mythology)]] and [[Amphitrite (mythology)]]. They were the trumpeters of the […]

Mythology July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 Amphitrite, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Tritons

Ships see [[Neptune (mythology)]].

Mythology July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Ships

Sea see [[Neptune (mythology)]].

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Sea

Scylla (Scyl´la). A beautiful nymph who excited the jealousy of [[Neptune (mythology)]]’s wife, [[Amphitrite (mythology)]], and was changed by the […]

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 Amphitrite, Charybdis, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Nysus, Scylla

Saturnius (Satur´nius). A name given to [[Jupiter (mythology)]], [[Neptune (mythology)]], and [[Pluto (mythology)]], as sons of [[Saturn (mythology)]].

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Saturnius

Saturn (Sat´urn), king of the Universe, was father of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], [[Neptune (mythology)]], and [[Pluto (mythology)]]. These gods quarreled amongst […]

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn

Poseidon (Posei´don). The Greek name of [[Neptune (mythology)]], god of the sea.

Mythology July 5, 2024 July 5, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Poseidon

Polyphemus (Polyphe´mus), one of the most celebrated of the [[Cyclops (mythology)]], a son of the nymph Thoosa and [[Neptune (mythology)]], […]

Mythology July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 Charybdis, Cyclops, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Polyphemus, Poseidon, Ulysses

Polybotes (Polybo´tes). One of the giants who made war against [[Jupiter (mythology)]]. He was killed by [[Neptune (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Polybotes

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Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Polybotes
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