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Definitions of ‘bitter’ bitter (adjective) Synonyms: acrid, acerb, poignant, intense, calamitous, distressing, virulent, acrimonious, implacable

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 acerb, acrid, acrimonious, adjective, calamitous, distressing, implacable, intense, poignant, virulent

Definitions of ‘carking’ carking (adjective) Synonyms: harassing, worrying, distressing, vexatious

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, distressing, harassing, vexatious, worrying

Definitions of ’embarrassing’ embarrassing (adjective) Synonyms: disconcerting, distressing, perplexing, confusing

Dictionary August 16, 2023 August 16, 2023 adjective, confusing, disconcerting, distressing, perplexing

Definitions of ‘grievous’ grievous (adjective) Synonyms: afflictive, distressing, deplorable, lamentable, painful, heinous, atrocious, flagitious, outrageous, flagrant, egregious, nefarious, plaintive, pitiful

Dictionary October 7, 2023 October 7, 2023 adjective, afflictive, atrocious, deplorable, distressing, egregious, flagitious, flagrant, heinous, lamentable, nefarious, outrageous, painful, pitiful, plaintive

Definitions of ‘lamentable’ lamentable (adjective) Synonyms: deplorable, grievous, pitiable, distressing, sorrowful

Dictionary November 22, 2023 November 22, 2023 adjective, deplorable, distressing, grievous, pitiable, sorrowful

Definitions of ‘painful’ painful (adjective) Synonyms: distressing, agonizing, excruciating, dolorous, racking, toilsome, arduous, difficult

Dictionary January 21, 2024 January 21, 2024 adjective, agonizing, arduous, difficult, distressing, dolorous, excruciating, racking, toilsome

Definitions of ‘severe’ severe (adjective) Synonyms: drastic, [[harsh]], [[stern]], [[rigorous]], [[exact]], [[cruel]], [[serious]], [[sedate]], [[grave]], austere, [[sober]], [[distressing]], afflictive, [[sharp]], […]

Dictionary April 7, 2024 April 7, 2024 acute, adjective, afflictive, austere, cruel, distressing, drastic, exact, exacting, grave, harsh, inexorable, intense, methodical, peremptory, plain, precise, rigorous, sedate, serious, sharp, sober, stern, strict, unadorned, unembellished, unmerciful, unrelenting, violent

Definitions of ‘sore’ sore (adjective) Synonyms: ulcerated, cankered, ulcerous, [[raw]], inflamed, irritated, [[distressing]], [[grievous]], [[severe]], grieved, pained, [[hurt]], [[sensitive]] sore […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 adjective, adverb, cankered, distressing, greatly, grieved, grievous, grievously, hurt, inflamed, irritated, pained, raw, sensitive, severe, severely, sorely, ulcerated, ulcerous

Definitions of ‘straitened’ straitened (adjective) Synonyms: restricted, [[embarrassing]], [[distressing]]

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 adjective, distressing, embarrassing, restricted

Definitions of ‘trying’ trying (adjective) Synonyms: [[severe]], [[distressing]], [[hard]], irksome, afflictive, [[ordeal]]

Dictionary June 7, 2024 June 7, 2024 adjective, afflictive, distressing, hard, irksome, ordeal, severe

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adjective, afflictive, distressing, hard, irksome, ordeal, severe
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