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Definitions of ‘bind’ bind (verb) Synonyms: fetter, tie, fasten, secure, gird, confine, restrict, restrain, bandage, swathne, oblige, obligate, lay under, […]

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 apprentice, bandage, confine, confirm, fasten, fetter, gird, indenture, lay under, obligate, obligation, oblige, ratify, restrain, restrict, sanction, secure, swaddle, swathne, tie, verb

Definitions of ‘bond’ bond (noun) Synonyms: friendship, relationship, fellowship, partnership, association, affiliation, alliance, coalition, attachment, tie, link, connection, union, nexus […]

Dictionary May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023 adjective, affiliation, affix, alliance, association, attach, attachment, bind, captive, cement, coalition, connect, connection, enslaved, fasten, fellowship, fix, friendship, fuse, glue, gum, join, link, nexus, noun, partnership, paste, relationship, secure, solder, stick, tie, union, verb, weld

Definitions of ‘defend’ defend (verb) Synonyms: guard, protect, shield, secure, screen, shelter, fortify, garrison, preserve, harbor, countenance, uphold, espouse, vindicate, […]

Dictionary July 19, 2023 July 19, 2023 advocate, countenance, espouse, fortify, garrison, guard, harbor, justify, maintain, plead, preserve, protect, screen, secure, shelter, shield, uphold, verb, vindicate

Definitions of ‘fasten’ fasten (verb) Synonyms: secure, fix, barricade, lock, bind, tie, attach, tether, rivet, moor, cement, affix, annex, clinch, […]

Dictionary September 2, 2023 September 2, 2023 affix, annex, append, attach, barricade, bind, cement, clamp, clinch, fix, lock, moor, rivet, secure, tether, tie, verb

Definitions of ‘firm’ firm (adjective) Synonyms: fast, immovable, secure, compact, solid, dense, compressed, fixed, resolute, constant, unwavering, unshaken, steadfast, stanch, […]

Dictionary September 8, 2023 September 8, 2023 adjective, compact, compressed, constant, dense, determined, fast, fixed, immovable, incompliant, inflexible, invincible, resolute, secure, solid, stanch, steadfast, unshaken, unwavering

Definitions of ‘get’ get (verb) Synonyms: procure, obtain, acquire, secure, gain, achieve, attain, realize, induce, persuade, prevail on, win, betake […]

Dictionary September 29, 2023 September 29, 2023 achieve, acquire, attain, beget, betake remove, engender, gain, induce, obtain, persuade, prevail on, procreate, procure, realize, receive, secure, verb, win

Definitions of ‘obtain’ obtain (verb) Synonyms: gain, get, procure, acquire, win, attain, secure

Dictionary January 11, 2024 January 11, 2024 acquire, attain, gain, get, procure, secure, verb, win

Definitions of ‘safe’ safe (adjective) Synonyms: [[unharmed]], intact, unscathed, immune, trustworthy, [[reliable]], [[sure]], [[secure]], invulnerable, impregnable Antonyms: [[unsafe]], endangered, [[insecure]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 adjective, immune, impregnable, intact, invulnerable, reliable, secure, sure, trustworthy, unharmed, unscathed

Definitions of ‘sure’ sure (adjective) Synonyms: [[certain]], inevitable, [[positive]], [[confident]], assured, sanguine, convinced, [[unfailing]], [[infallible]], [[unerring]], inerrable, [[abiding]], [[stable]], trustworthy, […]

Dictionary May 18, 2024 May 18, 2024 abiding, adjective, assured, certain, confident, convinced, dependable, inerrable, inevitable, infallible, positive, reliable, safe, sanguine, secure, stable, trustworthy, unerring, unfailing

Definitions of ‘tie’ tie (verb) Synonyms: [[secure]], [[fasten]], [[bind]], tether, leash

Dictionary May 31, 2024 May 31, 2024 bind, fasten, leash, secure, tether, verb

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bind, fasten, leash, secure, tether, verb
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