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Definitions of ‘sorry’ sorry (adjective) Synonyms: [[melancholy]], [[mournful]], [[dismal]], depressing, [[sad]], [[abject]], [[despicable]], [[miserable]], [[mean]], paltry, [[contemptible]], [[pitiful]], [[contrite]], [[penitent]], […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 abject, adjective, chagrined, contemptible, contrite, depressing, despicable, dismal, mean, melancholy, miserable, mournful, pained, paltry, penitent, pitiful, sad

Definitions of ‘sort’ sort (noun) Synonyms: [[kind]], [[species]], [[character]], [[description]], [[strain]], [[class]] sort (verb) Synonyms: assort, classify, conjoin, [[choose]], [[select]], […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 accord, agree, associate, assort, character, choose, class, classify, conform, conjoin, consort, cull, description, fraternize, harmonize, kind, noun, select, species, strain, verb

Sospita (Sos´pita). A name of [[Juno (mythology)]], as the safeguard of women. She is called the “saving goddess.”

Mythology July 18, 2024 July 18, 2024 Juno, myth, mythological character, mythology, Sospita

Definitions of ‘sot’ sot (noun) Synonyms: [[toper]], [[drunkard]], bibber

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 bibber, drunkard, noun, toper

Soter (So´ter). A Greek name of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], meaning Savior or deliverer.

Mythology July 18, 2024 July 18, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Soter

Soul see [[Psyche (mythology)]].

Mythology July 18, 2024 July 18, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Psyche, soul

Definitions of ‘soul’ soul (noun) Synonyms: [[spirit]], Psyche Associated words: psychology, psychic, psychological, psychomachy, transmigration, metempsychosis, psychogenesis, psychopannychism, theodicy, monopsychism

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 metempsychosis, monopsychism, noun, Psyche, psychic, psychogenesis, psychological, psychology, psychomachy, psychopannychism, spirit, theodicy, transmigration

Definitions of ‘sound’ sound (adjective) Synonyms: [[whole]], intact, [[perfect]], [[flawless]], unimpaired, [[healthy]], [[logical]], [[severe]], [[hard]], [[heavy]], [[sane]], [[rational]], [[profound]], undisturbed, […]

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 acoustic, acoustician, acoustics, adjective, catacoustics, cataphonics, channel, convincing, diacoustics, diacritical, diaphonics, examine, explore, fathom, flawless, gauge, hard, harmonics, healthy, heavy, herald, homophone, homophonic, homophony, intact, irrefutable, lawful, legal, logical, megaphone, modulate, modulation, monophonic, monophthong, narrows, noise, noun, perfect, phonation, phonetic, phonetics, phonetism, phonic, phonology, polycoustic, polycoustics, polyphone, polyphonic, polyphonist, polyphony, probe, proclaim, profound, publish, rational, report, resound, sane, seaworthy, sensible, severe, soniferous, sonification, sonorescence, strait, test, try, unbroken, undisturbed, unimpaired, valid, verb, whole

Definitions of ‘sound-producing’ sound-producing (adjective) Synonyms: sonorific

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 adjective, sonorific

Definitions of ‘sounding’ sounding (noun) Synonyms: bathymetry, [[examination]], proclamation, [[resonance]], [[reverberation]] sounding (adjective) Synonyms: [[sonorous]], [[resonant]], sonant

Dictionary April 27, 2024 April 27, 2024 adjective, bathymetry, examination, noun, proclamation, resonance, resonant, reverberation, sonant, sonorous

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adjective, bathymetry, examination, noun, proclamation, resonance, resonant, reverberation, sonant, sonorous
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