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Icarus (Ic´arus), son of [[Daedalus (mythology)]], who with his father made themselves wings with which to fly from Crete to […]

Mythology May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘system’ system (noun) Synonyms: method, [[order]] Antonyms: [[chaos]], [[confusion]], [[disorder]]

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 method, noun, order

Definitions of ‘systematic’ systematic (adjective) Synonyms: [[methodical]], [[orderly]] Antonyms: unsystematic, chaotic, immethodical

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 adjective, methodical, orderly

Definitions of ‘systematize’ systematize (verb) Synonyms: methodize, classify

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 classify, methodize, verb

Ichnobate (Ichnoba´te). One of [[Actaeon (mythology)]]’s hounds; the word means tracker.

Mythology May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 Actaeon, Ichnobate, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘table’ table (verb) Synonyms: tabulate, tabularize

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 tabularize, tabulate, verb
Table linen

Definitions of ‘table linen’ Synonyms: napery

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 napery

Definitions of ‘tablet’ tablet (noun) Synonyms: [[lozenge]], troche, trochiscus

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 lozenge, noun, troche, trochiscus

Definitions of ‘taboo’ taboo (noun) Synonyms: interdiction, prohibition, proscription taboo (verb) Synonyms: interdict, [[prohibit]], proscribe taboo (adjective) Synonyms: prohibited, [[forbidden]], […]

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 adjective, forbidden, interdict, interdicted, interdiction, noun, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, proscribe, proscribed, proscription, verb

Idaea (Idae´a). A name of [[Cybele (mythology)]], from Mount Ida, where she was worshiped.

Mythology May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 Cybele, Idaea, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Cybele, Idaea, myth, mythological character, mythology
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