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Definitions of ‘uncertain’ uncertain (adjective) Synonyms: [[distrustful]], hesitating, [[dubious]], [[precarious]], problematical, [[insecure]], equivocal, [[ambiguous]], [[indefinite]], [[irresolute]], [[inconstant]], [[fickle]], [[variable]], [[capricious]], […]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, ambiguous, capricious, distrustful, dubious, equivocal, fallible, fickle, hesitating, inconstant, indefinite, insecure, irresolute, precarious, problematical, variable

Definitions of ‘uncertainty’ uncertainty (noun) Synonyms: [[distrust]], [[hesitation]], [[doubt]], dubiousness, dubiety, incertitude, [[irresolution]], variableness, [[inconstancy]], capriciousness, ambiguity, indefiniteness, contingency, fortuity, […]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 ambiguity, capriciousness, contingency, distrust, doubt, dubiety, dubiousness, fallibility, fortuity, hesitation, incertitude, inconstancy, indefiniteness, irresolution, noun, suspense, variableness

Definitions of ‘unchangeable’ unchangeable (adjective) Synonyms: immutable, invariable, [[changeless]], stereotyped, [[unalterable]], unmodifiable, [[permanent]], [[constant]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, changeless, constant, immutable, invariable, permanent, stereotyped, unalterable, unmodifiable

Definitions of ‘unchanging’ unchanging (adjective) Synonyms: [[unvarying]], [[permanent]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, permanent, unvarying

Definitions of ‘uncharitable’ uncharitable (adjective) Synonyms: [[illiberal]], [[intolerant]], [[ungenerous]], [[bigoted]], [[censorious]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, bigoted, censorious, illiberal, intolerant, ungenerous

Definitions of ‘unchaste’ unchaste (adjective) Synonyms: incontinent, [[impure]], [[lewd]], [[wanton]], [[immoral]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, immoral, impure, incontinent, lewd, wanton

Definitions of ‘unchastity’ unchastity (noun) Synonyms: incontinence, wantonness, [[lechery]], licentiousness, [[lewdness]], [[impurity]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 impurity, incontinence, lechery, lewdness, licentiousness, noun, Wantonness

Definitions of ‘unchecked’ unchecked (adjective) Synonyms: [[unbridled]], [[unrestrained]], unhampered, untrammeled, uncurbed

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, unbridled, uncurbed, unhampered, unrestrained, untrammeled

Definitions of ‘unchurch’ unchurch (verb) Synonyms: excommunicate

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 excommunicate, verb

Definitions of ‘uncivil’ uncivil (adjective) Synonyms: [[discourteous]], [[rude]], [[churlish]], [[boorish]], brusque, [[impolite]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, boorish, brusque, churlish, discourteous, impolite, rude

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adjective, boorish, brusque, churlish, discourteous, impolite, rude
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