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Definitions of ‘uncivilized’ uncivilized (adjective) Synonyms: [[savage]], [[barbarous]], unreclaimed, [[benighted]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, barbarous, benighted, savage, unreclaimed

Definitions of ‘unclassifiable’ unclassifiable (adjective) Synonyms: [[nondescript]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, nondescript

Definitions of ‘uncle’ uncle (adjective) Associated words: avuncular

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, avuncular

Definitions of ‘uncommon’ uncommon (adjective) Synonyms: [[unusual]], [[singular]], [[rare]], [[unique]], queer, [[strange]], [[odd]], [[anomalous]], exceptional, [[abnormal]], variant, [[nondescript]], [[extraordinary]], [[noteworthy]], […]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 aberrant, abnormal, adjective, anomalous, exceptional, extraordinary, nondescript, noteworthy, odd, queer, rare, remarkable, singular, strange, unique, unusual, variant

Definitions of ‘uncommunicative’ uncommunicative (adjective) Synonyms: [[reserved]], taciturn, [[reticent]], [[secretive]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, reserved, reticent, secretive, taciturn

Definitions of ‘uncompelled’ uncompelled (adjective) Synonyms: [[voluntary]], [[spontaneous]], [[gratuitous]], [[unconstrained]], volitional

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, gratuitous, spontaneous, unconstrained, volitional, voluntary

Definitions of ‘uncomplaining’ uncomplaining (adjective) Synonyms: [[resigned]], [[patient]], [[forbearing]], [[long-suffering]], [[meek]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, forbearing, long-suffering, meek, patient, resigned

Definitions of ‘uncomplimentary’ uncomplimentary (adjective) Synonyms: [[unflattering]], [[frank]], [[derogatory]], [[blunt]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 adjective, blunt, derogatory, frank, unflattering

Definitions of ‘uncompromising’ uncompromising (adjective) Synonyms: [[inflexible]], irreconcilable, intransigent, [[firm]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, firm, inflexible, intransigent, irreconcilable

Definitions of ‘unconcern’ unconcern (noun) Synonyms: [[indifference]], [[nonchalance]], [[apathy]], disinterestedness

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 apathy, disinterestedness, indifference, nonchalance, noun

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apathy, disinterestedness, indifference, nonchalance, noun
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