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Definitions of ‘cruelly’ cruelly (noun) Synonyms: inhumanity, implacability, severity, atrocity, pitilessness

Dictionary July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023 atrocity, implacability, inhumanity, noun, pitilessness, severity

Definitions of ‘cruel’ cruel (adjective) Synonyms: pitiless, merciless, inhuman, unmerciful, fell, relentless, ruthless, truculent, brutal, unfeeling, severe, inexorable, incompassionate, implacable

Dictionary July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023 adjective, brutal, fell, implacable, incompassionate, inexorable, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, relentless, ruthless, severe, truculent, unfeeling, unmerciful

Definitions of ‘crude’ crude (adjective) Synonyms: undeveloped, inelaborate, uncouth, inartistic, unfinished

Dictionary July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023 adjective, inartistic, inelaborate, uncouth, undeveloped, unfinished

Definitions of ‘crucial’ crucial (adjective) Synonyms: cruciform, cross-shaped, severe, trying, ordeal

Dictionary July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023 adjective, cross-shaped, cruciform, ordeal, severe, trying

Definitions of ‘crowning’ crowning (adjective) Synonyms: consummating, completing crowning (noun) Synonyms: coronation

Dictionary July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023 adjective, completing, consummating, coronation, noun

Definitions of ‘crown’ crown (noun) Synonyms: diadem, coronet, corona, tiara, wreath, garland chaplet, coronal, laurel, bays, royalty, sovereignty, consummation, capsheaf, […]

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 bays, capsheaf, complete, consummate, consummation, corona, coronal, coronary, coronet, crest, diadem, garland chaplet, krone, laurel, noun, royalty, sovereignty, summit, tiara, top, verb, vertex, vortex, wreath

Definitions of ‘crowding’ crowding (noun) Synonyms: congestion, compression

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 compression, congestion, noun

Definitions of ‘crowded’ crowded (adjective) Synonyms: congested, serried, dense, compact Antonyms: incompact, loose

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 adjective, compact, congested, dense, serried

Definitions of ‘crowd’ crowd (verb) Synonyms: press, shove, jostle, compress, cram, cramp, squeeze, stow, impact, swarm, throng, troop, intrude crowd […]

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 assembly, bevy, commonalty, compress, concourse, confluence, cram, cramp, crush, horde, host, impact, intrude, jostle, knot, mass, mob, multitude, noun, number, populace, posse, press, proletariat, rabble, rabblerout, riffraff, roughscuff, shove, squeeze, stow, swarm, the masses, throng, troop, verb

Definitions of ‘crow’ crow (noun) Associated words: caw, corvine, corviform, corvoid crow (verb) Synonyms: brag, exult, swagger, vaunt, gasconade, vapor

Dictionary July 10, 2023 July 10, 2023 brag, caw, corviform, corvine, corvoid, exult, gasconade, noun, swagger, vapor, vaunt, verb

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brag, caw, corviform, corvine, corvoid, exult, gasconade, noun, swagger, vapor, vaunt, verb
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