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Definitions of ‘teeming’ teeming (adjective) Synonyms: prolific, [[abounding]], replete, [[overflowing]], [[rife]]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 abounding, adjective, overflowing, prolific, replete, rife

Definitions of ‘teeter’ teeter (verb) Synonyms: seesaw, titter, titter-totter

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 seesaw, titter, titter-totter, verb

Definitions of ‘teeth’ teeth (noun, plural) Synonyms: biters, incisors, molars, bicuspids, grinders, tusks, wisdom teeth, eye teeth, canine teeth, fangs […]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 alveoli, bicuspids, biters, canine teeth, cement, corona, cusp, dental, dentiform, dentifrice, dentilation, dentilave, dentiloquy, dentist, dentistry, denture, eye teeth, fangs, gnash, grinders, incisors, molars, noun, plural, odontography, odontology, overshot, pulp, pyorrhea, tartar, tusks, wisdom teeth

Definitions of ‘teething’ teething (noun) Synonyms: dentition, odontiasis

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 dentition, noun, odontiasis

Itys (I´tys) was killed by his mother Procne when six years old, and given to his father [[Tereus (mythology)]], a […]

Mythology May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 Itys, myth, mythological character, mythology, Tereus

Definitions of ‘teetotaler’ teetotaler (noun) Synonyms: nephalist, total abstainer

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 nephalist, noun, total abstainer

Definitions of ‘tell’ tell (verb) Synonyms: mention, recount, [[relate]], [[narrate]], enumerate, [[advise]], inform, [[recite]], disclose, [[bruit]], divulge, [[proclaim]], [[expose]], apprise, […]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 acquaint, advise, apprise, bruit, communicate, discern, disclose, divulge, enumerate, expose, inform, mention, narrate, notify, peach, proclaim, recite, recount, relate, reveal, verb

Ixion (Ixi´on), the son of [[Phlegyas (mythology)]], King of the Lapithae. For attempting to produce thunder, [[Jupiter (mythology)]] cast him […]

Mythology May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 Ixion, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Phlegyas

Definitions of ‘telling’ telling (noun) Synonyms: [[notification]], apprising, communication, [[relation]], [[narration]], [[recital]], divulgement telling (adjective) Synonyms: [[effective]], [[cogent]], [[potent]], conclusive

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 adjective, apprising, cogent, communication, conclusive, divulgement, effective, narration, notification, noun, potent, recital, relation

Definitions of ‘telltale’ telltale (noun) Synonyms: [[tattler]]

Dictionary May 25, 2024 May 25, 2024 noun, tattler

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