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Definitions of ‘boldness’ boldness (noun) Synonyms: temerity, impudence, presumption, effrontery, impertinence, nerve

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 effrontery, impertinence, impudence, nerve, noun, presumption, temerity

Definitions of ‘bold-faced’ bold-faced (adjective) Synonyms: impudent, brazen-faced, insolent

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 adjective, brazen-faced, impudent, insolent

Definitions of ‘bold’ bold (adjective) Synonyms: daring, intrepid, brave, forward, immodest, rude, hoidenish, brazen, saucy, insolent, unabashed, audacious, pert, shameless, […]

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 abrupt, acclivitous, adjective, audacious, brave, brazen, conspicuous, daring, forward, hoidenish, immodest, insolent, intrepid, jagged, malapert, pert, precipitous, prominent, rude, salient, saucy, shameless, steep, unabashed

Definitions of ‘boisterous’ boisterous (adjective) Synonyms: noisy, tumultuous, turbulent, hoidenish, unrestrained, rude

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 adjective, hoidenish, noisy, rude, tumultuous, turbulent, unrestrained

Definitions of ‘boiling’ boiling (adjective) Synonyms: seething, ebullient, effervescent, simmering boiling (noun) Synonyms: ebullition, coction, effervescence, seething, gurgitation, simmering, ebullience

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 adjective, coction, ebullience, ebullient, ebullition, effervescence, effervescent, gurgitation, noun, seething, simmering
Boil away

Definitions of ‘boil away’ Synonyms: evaporate

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 evaporate

Definitions of ‘boil’ boil (noun) Synonyms: furuncle Associated words: furuncular boil (verb) Synonyms: seethe, simmer, effervesce boil (noun) Synonyms boiling

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 boiling, effervesce, furuncle, furuncular, noun, seethe, simmer, verb

Definitions of ‘bogy’ bogy (noun) Synonyms: bugaboo, bugbear, bogle, specter

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 bogle, bugaboo, bugbear, noun, specter

Definitions of ‘boggle’ boggle (verb) Synonyms: hesitate, stickle, falter, bungle

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 bungle, falter, hesitate, stickle, verb

Definitions of ‘bog’ bog (noun) Synonyms: quagmire, marsh, swamp, fen, morass, slough

Dictionary May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023 fen, marsh, morass, noun, quagmire, slough, swamp

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fen, marsh, morass, noun, quagmire, slough, swamp
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