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Juno (Ju´no) was the daughter of [[Saturn (mythology)]] and [[Ops (mythology)]], alias [[Cybele (mythology)]]. She was married to [[Jupiter (mythology)]], […]

Mythology May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 Apollo, Cybele, Golden Apple, Hebe, Juno, Jupiter, Lucina, Mars, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Ops, Paris, Saturn, Venus, Vulcan

Definitions of ‘testicles’ testicles (noun, plural) Synonyms: testes Associated words: [[castrate]], [[castration]], testicular, emasculate, alter, [[geld]], spade, eunuch, varicocele, [[scrotum]], […]

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 alter, castrate, castration, emasculate, epididymis, eunuch, geld, gonad, gubernaculum, hydrocele, monorchism, noun, plural, orchialgia, orchic, orchitis, orchotomy, parorchis, sarcocele, scrotum, semen, spade, spermatic, suspensory, testes, testicular, varicocele

Definitions of ‘testify’ testify (verb) Synonyms: depose, [[attest]], asseverate, [[verify]]

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 asseverate, attest, depose, verb, verify

Definitions of ‘testimonial’ testimonial (noun) Synonyms: credential, [[certificate]], [[voucher]]

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 certificate, credential, noun, voucher

Jupiter (Ju´piter), son of [[Saturn (mythology)]] and [[Cybele (mythology)]] (or [[Ops (mythology)]]), was born on Mount Ida, in Crete, and […]

Mythology May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 Amalthaea, Belus, Cybele, Hercules, Jove, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Ops, Osiris, Saturn, Titans

Definitions of ‘testimony’ testimony (noun) Synonyms: [[attestation]], deposition, corroboration, [[witness]], evidence

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 attestation, corroboration, deposition, evidence, noun, witness

Definitions of ‘testy’ testy (adjective) Synonyms: [[irritable]], [[choleric]], [[captious]]

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 adjective, captious, choleric, irritable

Definitions of ‘tetter’ tetter (noun) Synonyms: [[ringworm]], herpes, [[fret]]

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 fret, herpes, noun, ringworm

Justice see [[Astrea (mythology)]], [[Nemesis (mythology)]].

Mythology May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 Astrea, justice, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nemesis

Definitions of ‘text’ text (noun) Synonyms: [[passage]], pericope, [[subject]], [[topic]], theme

Dictionary May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 noun, passage, pericope, subject, theme, topic

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noun, passage, pericope, subject, theme, topic
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