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Definitions of ‘subjection’ subjection (noun) Synonyms: subjugation, [[conquest]], subordination, subserviency

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 conquest, noun, subjugation, subordination, subserviency

Definitions of ‘sublime’ sublime (adjective) Synonyms: [[exalted]], [[grand]], [[magnificent]], glorious, [[majestic]]

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 adjective, exalted, glorious, grand, magnificent, majestic

Definitions of ‘submerge’ submerge (verb) Synonyms: [[plunge]], [[immerse]], [[sink]], submerse, [[overflow]], [[flood]], deluge, inundate

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 deluge, flood, immerse, inundate, overflow, plunge, sink, submerse, verb

Definitions of ‘submerging’ submerging (noun) Synonyms: submergence, submersion, [[immersion]], inundation

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 immersion, inundation, noun, submergence, submersion

Definitions of ‘submission’ submission (noun) Synonyms: [[compliance]], acquiescence, [[surrender]], [[resignation]], [[obedience]], meekness, submissiveness, fortitude, [[forbearance]], long-sufferance

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 acquiescence, compliance, forbearance, fortitude, long-sufferance, meekness, noun, obedience, resignation, submissiveness, surrender

Definitions of ‘submissive’ submissive (adjective) Synonyms: [[yielding]], [[obedient]], tractable, [[meek]], [[resigned]], [[passive]] Antonyms: insubmissive, [[defiant]], intractable, [[rebellious]], [[refractory]]

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 adjective, meek, obedient, passive, resigned, tractable, yielding

Definitions of ‘submit’ submit (verb) Synonyms: [[yield]], [[surrender]], succumb, acquiesce, comply, [[tolerate]], [[stand]] Antonyms: [[resist]], [[rebel]], [[disobey]], [[revolt]]

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 acquiesce, comply, stand, succumb, surrender, tolerate, verb, yield

Definitions of ‘subservient’ subservient (adjective) Synonyms: subordinate, [[subject]], [[inferior]], serviceable, conducive

Dictionary May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024 adjective, conducive, inferior, serviceable, subject, subordinate

Definitions of ‘subside’ subside (verb) Synonyms: [[decrease]], [[sink]], [[abate]], [[fall]]

Dictionary May 15, 2024 May 15, 2024 abate, decrease, fall, sink, verb

Definitions of ‘subsidence’ subsidence (noun) Synonyms: [[decrease]], [[abatement]]

Dictionary May 15, 2024 May 15, 2024 abatement, decrease, noun

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abatement, decrease, noun
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