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Definitions of ‘commonly’ commonly (adverb) Synonyms: ordinarily, generally, customarily

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adverb, customarily, generally, ordinarily

Definitions of ‘commonalty’ commonalty (noun) Synonyms: populace, proletariate, proletariat, varletry, bourgeoisie, ruck, rank and file, the common people

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 bourgeoisie, noun, populace, proletariat, proletariate, rank and file, ruck, the common people, varletry

Definitions of ‘common’ common (adjective) Synonyms: public, general, customary, usual, ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace, inconspicuous, average, mediocre, plebeian, proletarian

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, average, commonplace, customary, general, inconspicuous, mediocre, ordinary, plebeian, proletarian, public, unexceptional, usual

Definitions of ‘commit’ commit (verb) Synonyms: intrust, consign, perpetrate, do

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 consign, do, intrust, perpetrate, verb

Definitions of ‘commercial’ commercial (adjective) Synonyms: mercantile

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, mercantile

Definitions of ‘commerce’ commerce (noun) Synonyms: traffic, barter, business, trading, intercourse, communication

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 barter, business, communication, intercourse, noun, trading, traffic

Definitions of ‘commentator’ commentator (noun) Synonyms: annotator, expositor, scholiast, glossarist, postillator

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 annotator, expositor, glossarist, noun, postillator, scholiast

Definitions of ‘comment’ comment (verb) Synonyms: remark, descant, annotate comment (noun) Synonyms: remark, observation, annotation, commentary, explanation

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 annotate, annotation, commentary, descant, explanation, noun, observation, remark, verb

Definitions of ‘commendatory’ commendatory (adjective) Synonyms: laudatory, eulogistic

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, eulogistic, laudatory

Definitions of ‘commendable’ commendable (adjective) Synonyms: praiseworthy, laudable Antonyms: unpraiseworthy, illaudable

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, laudable, praiseworthy

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adjective, laudable, praiseworthy
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