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Medea (Mede´a). Wife of [[Jason (mythology)]], chief of the [[Argonauts (mythology)]]. To punish her husband for infidelity, Medea killed two […]

Mythology June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 Argonauts, Jason, Medea, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘two’ two (noun) Synonyms: [[couple]], [[pair]], [[brace]], doublet, dyad, [[team]], [[span]], twain, twins Associated words: dual, duality, [[double]], […]

Dictionary June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 bifarious, binary, bisect, bisection, brace, couple, dialogue, dimidiate, dimidiation, double, doublet, dual, dualism, duality, duarchy, duet, duplex, duplicate, duplication, dyad, halve, noun, pair, span, team, twain, twins
Two bodies

Definitions of ‘two bodies’ Associated words: bicorporal

Dictionary June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 bicorporal
Two colors

Definitions of ‘two colors’ Associated words: dichromatic, dichromatism, dichromic

Dictionary June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 dichromatic, dichromatism, dichromic

Medicine see [[Apollo (mythology)]].

Mythology June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 Apollo, medicine, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘two-faced’ two-faced (adjective) Synonyms: Janus-faced, bifacial

Dictionary June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 adjective, bifacial, Janus-faced

Meditation see [[Harpocrates (mythology)]].

Mythology June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 Harpocrates, meditation, myth, mythological character, mythology
Two fingers

Definitions of ‘two fingers’ Associated words: bidigitate

Dictionary June 9, 2024 June 9, 2024 bidigitate

Definitions of ‘twofold’ twofold (adjective) Synonyms: [[double]], [[duplicate]]

Dictionary June 10, 2024 June 10, 2024 adjective, double, duplicate

Medusa (Medu´sa). One of the [[Gorgons (mythology)]]. [[Minerva (mythology)]] changed her beautiful hair into serpents. She was conquered by [[Perseus […]

Mythology June 10, 2024 June 10, 2024 Gorgons, Hades, Medusa, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Ulysses

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Gorgons, Hades, Medusa, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Ulysses
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