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Definitions of ‘unconcern’ unconcern (noun) Synonyms: [[indifference]], [[nonchalance]], [[apathy]], disinterestedness

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 apathy, disinterestedness, indifference, nonchalance, noun

Definitions of ‘unconcerned’ unconcerned (adjective) Synonyms: [[indifferent]], [[nonchalant]], [[cool]], [[apathetic]], [[disinterested]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, apathetic, cool, disinterested, indifferent, nonchalant

Muses, The (Mu´ses), were nine daughters of [[Jupiter (mythology)]] and [[Mnemosyne (mythology)]]. They presided over the arts and sciences, music […]

Mythology June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Helicon, Jupiter, Melpomene, Mnemosyne, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology, Parnassus, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania

Definitions of ‘unconditional’ unconditional (adjective) Synonyms: [[absolute]], [[unqualified]], [[unrestricted]], carte blanche

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 absolute, adjective, carte blanche, unqualified, unrestricted

Definitions of ‘uncongenial’ uncongenial (adjective) Synonyms: [[disagreeable]], [[unpleasant]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, disagreeable, unpleasant

Definitions of ‘unconnected’ unconnected (adjective) Synonyms: [[disconnected]], [[separate]], [[isolated]], [[abrupt]], incoherent

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 abrupt, adjective, disconnected, incoherent, isolated, separate

Music see [[Apollo (mythology)]], [[Muses (mythology)]].

Mythology June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 Apollo, Muses, music, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘unconquerable’ unconquerable (adjective) Synonyms: [[invincible]], insuperable, impregnable, indomitable, inexpugnable

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, impregnable, indomitable, inexpugnable, insuperable, invincible

Definitions of ‘unconscionable’ unconscionable (adjective) Synonyms: [[unreasonable]], inordinate, [[exorbitant]], [[excessive]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, excessive, exorbitant, inordinate, unreasonable

Definitions of ‘unconscious’ unconscious (adjective) Synonyms: [[unaware]], [[insensible]], comatose, ingenuous, [[artless]], [[naïve]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 adjective, artless, comatose, ingenuous, insensible, naïve, unaware

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adjective, artless, comatose, ingenuous, insensible, naïve, unaware
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