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Unknown person

Definitions of ‘unknown person’ Synonyms: stranger, ignote

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 ignote, stranger

Olyras (Oly´ras). A river near Thermopylae, which, it is said, attempted to extinguish the funeral pile on which [[Hercules (mythology)]] […]

Mythology June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology, Olyras

Definitions of ‘unladylike’ unladylike (adjective) Synonyms: hoidenish, [[pert]], ill-bred

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 adjective, hoidenish, ill-bred, pert

Definitions of ‘unlawful’ unlawful (adjective) Synonyms: [[illegal]], [[illicit]], [[contraband]], [[illegitimate]], unlicensed

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 adjective, contraband, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, unlicensed

Definitions of ‘unleavened’ unleavened (adjective) Synonyms: azymous

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 adjective, azymous

Omophagia (Omopha´gia). A Bacchanalian festival at which some uncooked meats were served.

Mythology June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Omophagia
Unleavened bread

Definitions of ‘unleavened bread’ Synonyms: azym

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 azym

Definitions of ‘unlike’ unlike (adjective) Synonyms: [[dissimilar]], [[different]], [[diverse]], [[sundry]], variant, heterogeneous, [[unique]], [[nondescript]]

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 adjective, different, dissimilar, diverse, heterogeneous, nondescript, sundry, unique, variant

Omphale (Om´phale). The Queen of Lydia, to whom [[Hercules (mythology)]] was sold as a bondsman for three years for the […]

Mythology June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology, Omphale

Definitions of ‘unlikelihood’ unlikelihood (noun) Synonyms: improbability, unlikeliness

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 improbability, noun, unlikeliness

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improbability, noun, unlikeliness
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