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Aegis (Ae´gis), the shield of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], so called because it was made of goat-skin. “Where was thine Aegis Pallas […]

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aegis, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

Aegle (Ae´gle). The fairest of the [[Naiads (mythology)]].

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aegle, myth, mythological character, mythology, Naiads

Aello (Ael´lo), the name of one of the [[Harpies (mythology)]].

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aello, Harpies, myth, mythological character, mythology

Aeneas (Aene´as) was the son of Anchises and [[Venus (mythology)]]. He was one of the few great captains who escaped […]

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Achilles, Aeneas, Ascanius, myth, mythological character, mythology, Troy, Venus

Aeolus (Aeo´lus) was the god of the winds. [[Jupiter (mythology)]] was his reputed father, and his mother is said to […]

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aeolus, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Troy, Ulysses

Aesculapius (Aescula´pius), the god of physic, was a son of [[Apollo (mythology)]]. He was physician to the [[Argonauts (mythology)]] in […]

Mythology February 9, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aesculapius, Apollo, Argonauts, Cyclops, Hygeia, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pluto, Podalirius

Aeson (Ae´son) was father of [[Jason (mythology)]], and was restored to youth by [[Medea (mythology)]].

Mythology February 10, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aeson, Jason, Medea, myth, mythological character, mythology

Agamemnon (Agamem´non) was the son of Plisthenes and brother of [[Menelaus (mythology)]]. He was king of the Argives. His brother’s […]

Mythology February 10, 2024 February 15, 2024 Agamemnon, Menelaus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Paris, Troy

Aganippides (Aganip´pides), a name of the [[Muses (mythology)]], derived from the fountain of Aganippe.

Mythology February 10, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aganippides, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology

Agineus (Agine´us), see [[Apollo (mythology)]].

Mythology February 10, 2024 February 15, 2024 Agineus, Apollo, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Agineus, Apollo, myth, mythological character, mythology
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