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Polydeuces (Polydeu´ces). The Greek name of [[Pollux (mythology)]].

Mythology July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Pollux, Polydeuces

Definitions of ‘variation’ variation (noun) Synonyms: mutation, [[change]], [[deviation]], [[diversity]], discrepancy, diversification

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 change, deviation, discrepancy, diversification, diversity, mutation, noun

Definitions of ‘varied’ varied (adjective) Synonyms: [[various]], [[diversified]], [[different]], motley

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 adjective, different, diversified, motley, various

Polyhymnia (Polyhym´nia). Daughter of [[Jupiter (mythology)]] and [[Mnemosyne (mythology)]]. One of the [[Muses (mythology)]] who presided over singing and rhetoric.

Mythology July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 Jupiter, Mnemosyne, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology, Polyhymnia

Definitions of ‘variegated’ variegated (adjective) Synonyms: [[mottled]], [[diversified]], motley, divers-colored, [[party-colored]], polychrome

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 adjective, divers-colored, diversified, motley, mottled, party-colored, polychrome

Definitions of ‘variety’ variety (noun) Synonyms: [[diversity]], diversification, multiplicity, variousness, assortment, [[collection]], [[kind]], [[class]], [[species]]

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 assortment, class, collection, diversification, diversity, kind, multiplicity, noun, species, variousness

Definitions of ‘various’ various (adjective) Synonyms: [[manifold]], [[diverse]], [[sundry]], [[numerous]], multifarious

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 adjective, diverse, manifold, multifarious, numerous, sundry

Definitions of ‘varnish’ varnish (verb) Synonyms: lacquer, [[japan]], [[enamel]], glaze, gloss over, [[palliate]], extenuate varnish (noun) Synonyms: lacquer, [[gloss]], [[palliation]], […]

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 enamel, extenuate, extenuation, glaze, gloss, gloss over, japan, lacquer, noun, palliate, palliation, verb

Polyphemus (Polyphe´mus), one of the most celebrated of the [[Cyclops (mythology)]], a son of the nymph Thoosa and [[Neptune (mythology)]], […]

Mythology July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 Charybdis, Cyclops, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Polyphemus, Poseidon, Ulysses

Definitions of ‘vary’ vary (verb) Synonyms: diversify, variegate, [[modify]], [[deviate]], depart, [[swerve]], [[disagree]], [[modify]], alternate

Dictionary July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 alternate, depart, deviate, disagree, diversify, modify, swerve, variegate, verb

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alternate, depart, deviate, disagree, diversify, modify, swerve, variegate, verb
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