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Definitions of ‘vomiting’ vomiting (noun) Synonyms: emesis, vomition, puking, spew Associated words: emetic, antemetic, [[qualmish]], [[gag]], retch, [[nausea]], [[nauseate]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 antemetic, emesis, emetic, gag, nausea, nauseate, noun, puking, qualmish, retch, spew, vomition

Definitions of ‘voracious’ voracious (adjective) Synonyms: [[rapacious]], [[ravenous]], [[insatiable]], [[fierce]], [[gluttonous]], cormorant

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 adjective, cormorant, fierce, gluttonous, insatiable, rapacious, ravenous

Definitions of ‘voracity’ voracity (noun) Synonyms: [[rapacity]], voraciousness, [[greediness]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 greediness, noun, rapacity, voraciousness

Definitions of ‘votary’ votary (noun) Synonyms: devotee, votarist

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 devotee, noun, votarist

Definitions of ‘vote’ vote (noun) Synonyms: [[suffrage]], ballot, ticket, referendum, plebiscite Associated words: enfranchise, enfranchisement, disenfranchise, disenfranchisement, suffragist, elect, election […]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 acclamation, ballot, disenfranchise, disenfranchisement, elect, election electoral, electorate, enfranchise, enfranchisement, franchise, noun, plebiscite, poll, referendum, suffrage, suffragist, ticket

Definitions of ‘voter’ voter (noun) Synonyms: elector, suffragist

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 elector, noun, suffragist

Rhea (Rhe´a). The Greek name of [[Cybele (mythology)]]. She was a daughter of [[Uranus (mythology)]] and Gaea, and was called […]

Mythology July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 Cybele, myth, mythological character, mythology, Rhea, Uranus

Definitions of ‘voters’ voters (noun, plural) Synonyms: electorate

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 electorate, noun, plural
Voting place

Definitions of ‘voting place’ Synonyms: poll

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 poll

Definitions of ‘vouch’ vouch (verb) Synonyms: [[attest]], corroborate, [[warrant]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 attest, corroborate, verb, warrant

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attest, corroborate, verb, warrant
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