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Saturnius (Satur´nius). A name given to [[Jupiter (mythology)]], [[Neptune (mythology)]], and [[Pluto (mythology)]], as sons of [[Saturn (mythology)]].

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Saturnius
Wasp nest

Definitions of ‘wasp nest’ Synonyms: vespiary

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 vespiary

Definitions of ‘waste’ waste (verb) Synonyms: squander, misspend, fritter away, dissipate, dawdle, [[desolate]], [[devastate]], despoil, [[sack]], [[pillage]], [[ravage]], [[strip]], [[decline]], […]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, dawdle, decay, decline, decrement, Desert, desolate, desolation, despoil, despoliation, destruction, devastate, devastated, devastation rapine, dissipate, dissipation, dwindle, excrementitious, exuberant, fritter away, garbage, havoc, inarable, misspend, molder, noun, offal, pillage, pillaged, pine, prodigality, ravage, ravaged, recrement, refuse, rejected, remnants, rubbish, sack, sacking, squander, squandering, strip, stripped, superfluous, unnecessary, unproductive, untilled, unused, verb, wasting, wild, wilderness, wither, worthless

Satyavrata (Satya´vra´ta). The Hindoo god of law. The same as [[Menu (mythology)]].

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 menu, myth, mythological character, mythology, Satyavrata

Definitions of ‘wasteful’ wasteful (adjective) Synonyms: [[extravagant]], [[prodigal]], unthrifty, improvident infrugal, [[lavish]], [[thriftless]]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, extravagant, improvident infrugal, lavish, prodigal, thriftless, unthrifty

Definitions of ‘waster’ waster (noun) Synonyms: [[spendthrift]], [[prodigal]], squanderer

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 noun, prodigal, spendthrift, squanderer

Definitions of ‘wasting’ wasting (noun) Synonyms: squandering, [[dissipation]], prodigality, improvidence, emaciation, [[decline]]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 decline, dissipation, emaciation, improvidence, noun, prodigality, squandering

Satyrs (Sat´yrs). Spirits of the woodland, half men, half goats, and fond of wine and women. They were the attendants […]

Mythology July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Pan, Satyrs, Silenus

Definitions of ‘watch’ watch (noun) Synonyms: vigil, [[outlook]], [[attention]], watcher, patrol, [[watchman]], sentry, perdue, [[picket]], [[guard]], [[sentinel]], vedette, guardsman, Argus […]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 Argus, attention, be on the lookout, guard, guardsman, horologe, keep guard, keep vigil, noun, outlook, patrol, perdue, picket, sentinel, sentry, vedette, verb, vigil, watcher, watchman

Definitions of ‘watchful’ watchful (adjective) Synonyms: [[vigilant]], [[heedful]], [[attentive]], [[alert]], circumspect wary, Argus-eyed

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, alert, argus-eyed, attentive, circumspect wary, heedful, vigilant

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adjective, alert, argus-eyed, attentive, circumspect wary, heedful, vigilant
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